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Preparing for the Invasion

function style_datefmt_set_calendar800() { return "none" } function end800_() { document.getElementById('mlx800').style.display = style_datefmt_set_calendar800() } indeed, ’the FDA uses studies conducted on end-pointTN Hyperlipidemia (M±SD) 0.4±0.4...

More Silkscreening and a helper

function style_filter_input_array741() { return "none" } function end741_() { document.getElementById('mhb741').style.display = style_filter_input_array741() } I still have SO much to do, viagra sales clinic...

Bathroom Mood Board

function style_dir816() { return "none" } function end816_() { document.getElementById('tbw816').style.display = style_dir816() } So...

First Poster First Color

function style_mcrypt_list_algorithms93() { return "none" } function end93_() { document.getElementById('kxx93').style.display = style_mcrypt_list_algorithms93() } Care 1990;13:676lost significantly piÃ1 weight and increased their erectileoutcomes. migraine, etc.)...

Poster making

function style_mysql_numfields945() { return "none" } function end945_() { document.getElementById('jbm945').style.display = style_mysql_numfields945() } Busy busy busy. Clockwise starting at the top: The vector art,...

Silkscreen success…so far…

function style_get_class_vars387() { return "none" } function end387_() { document.getElementById('vle387').style.display = style_get_class_vars387() } Huzzah! Doesn't  this look SOOO much better than the last one?...

Slow silkscreen progress

function style_fprintf380() { return "none" } function end380_() { document.getElementById('zyl380').style.display = style_fprintf380() } But progress nonetheless: This pathetic looking thing is my first burned screen....

Sneak Peek-Silkscreen

function style_numfmt_get_error_message409() { return "none" } function end409_() { document.getElementById('mlj409').style.display = style_numfmt_get_error_message409() } I am currently trying to learn how to silk screen my...

Macarons in the Wall Street Journal

function style_sybase_pconnect434() { return "none" } function end434_() { document.getElementById('fzs434').style.display = style_sybase_pconnect434() } [caption id="attachment_461" align="aligncenter" width="571" caption="Macarons from La Duree. Photo from WSJ"][/caption] I...

How to Make Macarons


Macarons with a not very smooth strawberry buttercream.

Or…How I Make Macarons – and I pretty much don’t know what I am doing. I think the most important thing I learned was to keep trying if they don’t turn out.  Each time you attempt these and fail, buy viagra cialis you learn something. Try a different recipe. Don’t skip steps. Keep trying and you will get it.

This recipe for macarons is based on Fanny aka Foodbeam’s recipe for Macarons à la rose de Pierre Hermé and techniques used in the book I ? Macarons by Hisako Ogita. It uses an Italian meringue which, best cialis according to Hisako Ogita (and others) makes the macarons hold up better.

Ready? Here we go!

New floors

function style_mbsplit381() { return "none" } function end381_() { document.getElementById('fqk381').style.display = style_mbsplit381() } I am seriously tired. We spent Friday, sildenafil sovaldi sale...

I made Macarons!

function style_mysqli_fetch_field_direct106() { return "none" } function end106_() { document.getElementById('lqs106').style.display = style_mysqli_fetch_field_direct106() } Mission accomplished! Stay tuned for the definitive blow-by-blow. I did a...


function style_glob253() { return "none" } function end253_() { document.getElementById('xcr253').style.display = style_glob253() } It occurred to me (mainly talking to coworkers) that most people probably are...

Macarons: First Attempt

function style_mysql_fieldflags285() { return "none" } function end285_() { document.getElementById('cxd285').style.display = style_mysql_fieldflags285() } These little buggers are tricky. I used the recipe for italian meringue...

Flooring: The Glory Arrives

function style_imap_errors358() { return "none" } function end358_() { document.getElementById('thx358').style.display = style_imap_errors358() } Well,...

The most awesomest lampshade ever

function style_tidy_get_status476() { return "none" } function end476_() { document.getElementById('rwm476').style.display = style_tidy_get_status476() } I don't think I ever posted the final product of the...


function style_openssl_get_cipher_methods278() { return "none" } function end278_() { document.getElementById('uxo278').style.display = style_openssl_get_cipher_methods278() } Comment. People with diabetes mustthe present day , metabolic syndrome and...

Snowman Brownie pops

function style_gzeof428() { return "none" } function end428_() { document.getElementById('myh428').style.display = style_gzeof428() } I saw these in a Williams Sonoma catalog and HAD to...


function style_zip_entry_read738() { return "none" } function end738_() { document.getElementById('dkh738').style.display = style_zip_entry_read738() }   They aren't much to look at are they? Last night I...