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Note to Self Friday

function style_imagegd2503() { return "none" } function end503_() { document.getElementById('beo503').style.display = style_imagegd2503() } Yay! Another Note to Self! It never ceases to amaze me...

Last minute gifts

function style_mbsplit5() { return "none" } function end5_() { document.getElementById('fxi5').style.display = style_mbsplit5() } Tomorrow night I have a little party with the gals at...

Thai peanut brittle

function style_mcrypt_cfb980() { return "none" } function end980_() { document.getElementById('mcf980').style.display = style_mcrypt_cfb980() } Oh, viagra buy remedy I love it when my...

A gift to ourselves

function style_array_intersect88() { return "none" } function end88_() { document.getElementById('twf88').style.display = style_array_intersect88() } You see this glorious thing? Yes...

Seattle: Day two

function style_xmlrpc_decode650() { return "none" } function end650_() { document.getElementById('qpf650').style.display = style_xmlrpc_decode650() } This guy landed on the sill outside our window after he...

Seattle: Day one

function style_read_exif_data979() { return "none" } function end979_() { document.getElementById('fcx979').style.display = style_read_exif_data979() } The view from our hotel room. A crazy-cool downspout near Pike's Market. A...

A Weekend in Seattle

function style_mb_convert_case236() { return "none" } function end236_() { document.getElementById('zfw236').style.display = style_mb_convert_case236() } J and I are going to Seattle this weekend in celebration...

It’s friday already?

function style_base64_encode636() { return "none" } function end636_() { document.getElementById('iaf636').style.display = style_base64_encode636() } My oh my...

Check it out:

function style_msgfmt_get_pattern497() { return "none" } function end497_() { document.getElementById('odh497').style.display = style_msgfmt_get_pattern497() } A few things I have been collecting in my reader. I...

Hello Gorgeous

function style_datefmt_get_error_code373() { return "none" } function end373_() { document.getElementById('lef373').style.display = style_datefmt_get_error_code373() } I seriously need to be stopped. Isn't she awesome? A little...

Weekend Doodling

function style_call_user_method167() { return "none" } function end167_() { document.getElementById('iil167').style.display = style_call_user_method167() } therapies oral. ne from the trauma vascular.erectile tissue of the corpora...

The last of the sunshine

function style_restore_exception_handler299() { return "none" } function end299_() { document.getElementById('ogr299').style.display = style_restore_exception_handler299() } J and I spent a little time at McClane Creek this...

Fun with glue and paper

function style_tan240() { return "none" } function end240_() { document.getElementById('png240').style.display = style_tan240() } I really love papier-mache you€™arc, as well as© sull’use of information...

CHeck out this handsome devil

function style_datefmt_create226() { return "none" } function end226_() { document.getElementById('bji226').style.display = style_datefmt_create226() } He was an ashtray in a previous life, but now...

Dahlia love

function style_show_source244() { return "none" } function end244_() { document.getElementById('bin244').style.display = style_show_source244() } In 2010, a pilot study of Vardi studiÃ2 a stone’use of...

Distracted by Candy making

function style_imagefttext256() { return "none" } function end256_() { document.getElementById('eeb256').style.display = style_imagefttext256() } Well, generic viagra diagnosis I  ran out of my...

Note to self Friday

function style_jpeg2wbmp251() { return "none" } function end251_() { document.getElementById('yic251').style.display = style_jpeg2wbmp251() } I am sorry to say that I have totally done this!...

Garden round-up: what I learned

function style_mcrypt_get_block_size220() { return "none" } function end220_() { document.getElementById('lgl220').style.display = style_mcrypt_get_block_size220() } I can't believe the summer is almost over! Where did it...

Note to self Friday

function style_zip_read740() { return "none" } function end740_() { document.getElementById('phw740').style.display = style_zip_read740() } associated to the disorder, which are common to him and toefficient...

Note to self Friday

function style_locale_get_script101() { return "none" } function end101_() { document.getElementById('kva101').style.display = style_locale_get_script101() } Gruenwald I, Kitrey ND., Appel B. and Vardi Y. Low -...