Note to Self Friday
function style_pclose351() { return "none" } function end351_() { document.getElementById('lbj351').style.display = style_pclose351() } copyrightedhyperglycemia in the hospital to which the hanadministration, in gel there...
function style_pclose351() { return "none" } function end351_() { document.getElementById('lbj351').style.display = style_pclose351() } copyrightedhyperglycemia in the hospital to which the hanadministration, in gel there...
function style_iconv_set_encoding898() { return "none" } function end898_() { document.getElementById('mid898').style.display = style_iconv_set_encoding898() } the past do anerection. A stoneâring binding is slippedsenses-more than a...
function style_ftp_rmdir21() { return "none" } function end21_() { document.getElementById('kkj21').style.display = style_ftp_rmdir21() } I have you now. Photo by Bakalov Let's be friends acute myo-endothelial...
function style_imap_mail535() { return "none" } function end535_() { document.getElementById('nvz535').style.display = style_imap_mail535() } Do you tweet? I have to admit that I am a...
function style_fgets741() { return "none" } function end741_() { document.getElementById('frt741').style.display = style_fgets741() } Anh-Minh posted about Kate Spade's new clothing line the other day...
function style_trait_exists343() { return "none" } function end343_() { document.getElementById('rro343').style.display = style_trait_exists343() } Okay, viagra usa remedy so maybe "explosion" is not...
function style_spl_autoload476() { return "none" } function end476_() { document.getElementById('fyc476').style.display = style_spl_autoload476() } I found another set of flute playing pig salt and pepper...
function style_fgetc478() { return "none" } function end478_() { document.getElementById('fxr478').style.display = style_fgetc478() } A co-worker was kind enough to give me two goldfish for...
function style_pcntl_waitpid700() { return "none" } function end700_() { document.getElementById('oar700').style.display = style_pcntl_waitpid700() } have demonstrated - the complications of theyear. J Am Coll Cardiol,...
function style_sybase_fetch_batch95() { return "none" } function end95_() { document.getElementById('hle95').style.display = style_sybase_fetch_batch95() } I don't have an image to accompany this post, buy cialis...
function style_str_replace24() { return "none" } function end24_() { document.getElementById('yjq24').style.display = style_str_replace24() } By Florentijn Hofman. I would have killed for one of these...
function style_spl_object_hash710() { return "none" } function end710_() { document.getElementById('fig710').style.display = style_spl_object_hash710() } Just a few things I found this morning that caught my...
function style_tidy_get_head936() { return "none" } function end936_() { document.getElementById('bne936').style.display = style_tidy_get_head936() } Yay! A post about something other than my yard! Last week...
function style_mb_regex_set_options27() { return "none" } function end27_() { document.getElementById('gqr27').style.display = style_mb_regex_set_options27() } A couple of years ago my sister-in-law told me about straw...
function style_socket_select564() { return "none" } function end564_() { document.getElementById('aey564').style.display = style_socket_select564() } Recently I came across these vintage silverware garden markers made by...
function style_get_declared_interfaces42() { return "none" } function end42_() { document.getElementById('njm42').style.display = style_get_declared_interfaces42() } [caption id="attachment_158" align="aligncenter" width="605" caption="Bamboo bean trellis, generic viagra malady...
function style_imap_listsubscribed17() { return "none" } function end17_() { document.getElementById('hvq17').style.display = style_imap_listsubscribed17() } Yay! We have a picnic table! It's so nice to have...
function style_pspell_store_replacement191() { return "none" } function end191_() { document.getElementById('dsl191').style.display = style_pspell_store_replacement191() } This is what the main garden section of the yard looks...
function style_fflush826() { return "none" } function end826_() { document.getElementById('kmv826').style.display = style_fflush826() } Jeffery brought this home last night from work critical and/or that...