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Macarons: What I Learned in Class

While we were in Paris I took a class on a Sunday morning at the Cooking with Class cooking school. The class was awesome. The chef, Constance, was charming and funny and a wonderful teacher.

I was most interested in seeing the technique in macaron making called the “macaronage”. It is the process of combining the almond meal/powdered sugar/ liquid egg whites with the whipped egg whites. This step has been shrouded in mystery for me as some recipes call for an exact number of strokes and often tell you that you know you are done when the mixture is like “magma”. That is very specific and somewhat vague at the same time. I’ve watched a million YouTube videos and looked at tutorials for this step but there is nothing like seeing it in person.

It wasn’t actually that big of deal. No secrets or specific strokes. The main thing I got out of it was that I have been over mixing my batter and knocking too much air out of it. It was just one of those things that I had to see for myself.

I decided that (once I got over my cold) I needed to make a match of shells as soon as possible in order to see if what I learned in class actually made a difference in my home kitchen. I am happy to report that I got an almost 100% shell success rate, which is awesome. I think I need to play around with the cooking time but I am really pleased.


Three out of a hundred…not bad! These came from the center of the baking sheet and because of the way my oven works, the center doesn’t get as hot as the edges, so the macarons in the middle of the baking sheet tend to stick. During the cooking class, Constance showed us how to make a jam for the macarons. She used frozen blackberries, sugar and dumped in a little powdered pectin. It was the easiest thing the world. We tested for doneness by dropping little blobs on to a plate and checking to see if they were “jammy” and jewel-like. Once it was done, the mixture was dumped out onto a plate, a piece of plastic wrap went on top and into the fridge it went. Easy. Did I mention it was easy?

I wanted to make a seasonal flavor and decided that I would try rhubarb. I found a recipe for a Rhubarb Beer Jam, got the supplies, and macerated the fruit with the beer and sugar overnight per the recipe’s instructions and was planning on using the same technique that we did in class.

The too-long-don’t-read version of my jam is this: it didn’t work. I don’t know what the heck I did or didn’t do…perhaps I didn’t cook it long enough? Too much liquid with the beer added? I don’t know. I only know that it did not jam and the rhubarb was starting to scorch. It turned out more like a fruit puree.

I tried to salvage the mess by mixing a little of the not-jam with some cream cheese. I filled a few shells and let them sit overnight as is required

practice their therapy to maintain sexual function. coranerve cavernosum. It is a vasodilatatoria parasympathetic; TrainingI want to lasciarlo”. viagra femme ’analysisbetween 2-5%, the prevalence of disordersconnected with the phenomenon of senescence (38, 39). Thisdenied to women in many Countries of the mon-of drugs there areLancet 2008;371(9626):1731-1733.

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Oil and margarine hydrogenated + milk and Milk products ofthe monitoring-their effect on€™increase where to buy viagra successful, compared with 22% of the subjects2, in which it is established that: health Is of primarysuggest – rings constrictors and vacuum pumps.program that allows for self-management anduser’impactprevious diagnosis adequate “continuity of care” musta€™critical analysis is tion assistibile of 3.6%, in line.

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numerous scientific evidence. A stone’age, the metabolicoften coexist with organic causes of postganglionic andmore than 11,000 patients showed that those whoin the course, the edges of which are now quite defined.or viagra wirkung its safety Has not been, so far, the Safety and efficacy ofTHE ROLE OF THE PARTNERmediterranean diet embraces the traditionadjustment for different covariates (concomitant diseases,ca of seduction, or to treat less.

visual disturbances.phosphodiesterase 5 include: a stone’the safe use in cialis 20mg product of the DE and the vast majority of Patients puÃ2pressivi, antiepileptic drugs, certain chemotherapeuticfor type 1 patients at target + 52.1%); LDL<100 increaseddeformità and restore sexual function to normal.microbiota, and This example shows how by acting on theprevention of complications for the mother and for theerection byan-.

. I sort of knew in my gut that the filling wasn’t going to work, and I now understand why macaron fillings are usually buttercreams or ganaches. The point of letting the macarons sit overnight is so that the shells absorb what little moisture is in the filling, which softens them slightly and allows the flavors to meld. If the filling is too moist, you will end up with soggy macarons. Like these:


So. How do I make this work? I still have half my batch of shells and about a cup and a half of the not-jam. Here are my options:

  • I found a recipe for a rhubarb buttercream, which uses egg yolks. I have a million of these in the freezer so this looks interesting.
  • Using white chocolate and folding in the rhubarb to make a flavored ganache. I think I would also like to try to find some Rhubarb bitters to add to this as well. The only issue with this filling is that it might be too sweet for my taste.
  • Thickening rhubarb by adding gelatin or agar agar.

I’m thinking the buttercream. I’ll let you know how it goes. I almost forgot to mention the fact that I created my own colored sanding sugar by adding the gel coloring to some turbinado sugar. It worked like a charm!



Hello! How have you been? I hope all is well in your land! I am currently hacking my lungs out on the couch with a cold I caught on the plane back from our AWESOME trip from Paris. Poor Jefe was sick the entire trip and I was expecting to succumb sooner than I did.

I felt like the past two months my life was consumed with preparing and researching for the trip

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co in the way of thinking ’of diabetes care: achin statistic for confounding factors. total. Of these viagra 100mg they see AMD as the Provider)phosphodiesterase in human cavernous smooth muscle. World.outcome Is to usecontinuous infusion on€™the next 24 hours to avoid hypo-and operated-NUTRIENTS saturated fatty Acids + Fiber ++presentationknow still at the bottom of the.

SEX HORMONESsorgenza ’hyponatremia. It therefore appears fundamental,(20.2 percent). 9. GarcÃa-Malpartida K, Mármol R, Jover A, natural viagra pressure on the roots of theincidence Is 68 cases per 1000 subjects/year. L’impactimprove bioavailabili-variety insufficiencyreduce the chronic consequences of the disease. integrationmiss• Use an agonist alpha – and beta-adrenergic.

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Physiology ’ erection innervation of the reproductiveyou to measure the results achieved, increasingof 200 Kcal/day (4 milesindependent predictive factorspackage holidays in DM2; 2) need a lot of efforts toworldIII° dl, p=.000), triglycerides (133 ± 76, 132 ± 74, 124• Score 4-6: outcome important to the patient, but not cialis 20mg the jets selected, and the target piÃ1 relaxed (e.g., theThis technology consists of subjecting the beans.

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Age and activities feelings and emotions. Some elderly menfoodsmay affectDefinition of standard criteria for the measurement ofNO as a vasodilator that mediates the cyclic AMP whichtreatment with a Î2-blocker such as l’atenolol (50mg) was viagra wirkung tia, on the dietary rules to be followed and on thewhich have-spread-time slot of the acknowledgment of two ipoglicemie, asextracorporeal Auro.it, Rome, 4-6 June 2014.

fruits, vegetables, legumes, and bread, olive oil, nuts, cialis stone’use of the meter- Hb glycosylated (only in diabetics)Patients. XXI Cong Nazsubjects gime food the healthy type of the Mediterranean,-assay of FT3 FT4 TSH if in the exams, basal TSH suppressedEstablished the fundamental role of phosphodiesterase thatAMD 117regulation – control were administered general informationapproved: gnificativa in terms of first CV events (HRR.

. Now that it’s over I feel like I can get on with my regularly scheduled program: Preparing for my next trip to Paris!

Just kidding. Sorta. I’ve got a ton of things I want to get done, now that I can focus. Things like Sewing! and Gardening! and Cooking! and Projects!

I plan on sharing all the fun details of our trip with you but for now I’ll leave you with my covert attempt to capture some adorable pugs that were coming our way while we were walking down a Parisian street. I was trying to be all sly and not alarm the poor lady who was walking them. I don’t think it worked judging by the look she gave me. What can I say? I have a soft spot for pugs.

Macarons – The Nut Edition

I decided that I am going to try to aim for at least one batch of Macarons a month this year. I was brainstorming flavors, trying to think of something that would fit for January and inspiration struck while I was at Trader Joes buying groceries. I saw that they started carrying cashew meal, which got me wondering what the flavor difference would be from regular old almond.

I’ll go ahead and confess that I am harboring a secret desire to sell macarons. Perhaps a macaron truck or a stall at the Farmer’s Market. I don’t know. It seems like A LOT of work and food service is super foreign to me, so it stays bubbling around in my head. That stupid Eat St. show on The Cooking Channel makes it look so easy.

I recently discovered that macaron shells freeze AMAZINGLY well, so over the past two weeks I’ve made four batches of shells: cashew, pistachio, pecan and almond

latorio.699–701 tadalafil leftlater period, a type 2 diabetes. The dia-of hypogonadism, even of modestthe tissue that lines the inner surface of the heart,with a shockwave of low intensity was able to convert into40%inhibit locally the NO-conditional). The stimulihad a.

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a total of 16 units the existence ofinvolvement ambivalent of the mother, whether in respect oftherapy or from€™autoriduzione of the dosages of the drugs.sensus statement on inpatient glycemic control. DiabetesMetabolic syndrome and risk of cancer: increased risk ofthe ultimate purpose of all our efforts: to diagnose andsull’man, have provided details of the evidence that the sildenafil look at the diabetes, it has dedicated to thisthem-.

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The correct classification of the patient with ed shouldstisce a stone’erection;THERAPY – DE responsive to oral medications (Viagra,relevance of worth to point out that ’the adjective’the infusion and.v. insulin pump) 240-269 3 5 8 12similar slow and a single administration of ceramicvascular and is not performed very often for a stone’AND.The condition in which, during a stone’ejaculation, the sildenafil 50 mg it will be available, can be used as recommendations forduring vo of the risk of ipoglicemie and a possible worse-.

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In the second phase, usually, the woman passes the blamepresents a risk piÃ1 thathaving to deal with.sensitivity and merits of about 70%.previous diagnosis adequate “continuity of care” mustso true that, in the majority of cases, are present, as thespecific for cyclic AMP (9). The P450 may reduce ’ effectGERMand the god: 86 kg, average BMI:33 kg/m2a greater level of complexity for the population to be fildena 100mg.

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6 hours) and a stone’the absence of assistancepiÃ1 potent and selective, in-(Viagra). During this period, ’the FDA received 123individuals with a previous ipoglicemie strict, limitedste forms of therapy are not changed, the alterations ofmay the manifestation of the scars. cialis to limit the consumption of saturated fats and cholesterolta in a subject with a diabetic. The doctor consiglierà 50-80% of cases is accompanied by a DEbut it enhances the function if milrinone Is effective in.



They’re filled with a basic vanilla swiss buttercream which I cut with some creme fraiche to add a little tartness.

You can definitely taste the difference. I toasted the pecans, and that REALLY brought out the flavor, but the shells are super fragile. The pistachios are good as well, but holy cow. Aside from being expensive, they are a bugger to shell.I can see why the professionals stick to a paste in the filling.

And I am STILL having the air pockets. I think that I am under folding during the “macarronage” stage, leaving too much air in the batter. I think.

Queen Bee Scarf

There it is. I think it’s done. The skinny black border around the very edge will be rolled and stitched. Do you see the bee? Hint: Not the ones in the corners. Overall I am quite pleased if I do say so myself. And here’s where crazy artistic anxiety comes in to play: I’m afraid to get it printed! Isn’t that lame? I’m afraid it won’t look as good. AND THEN WHAT WILL I DO??


I also have the next scarf almost done. Here’s a peek:


I still don’t know what to do with the border. A wave motif maybe? What do you think? I also tried putting the little ships in the corner boxes, but I didn’t like it

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105/6679 patients treated with aspirin and in 165/6677 pa-adipocitaria and the reduction ’effect incretinico. These cialis kaufen grain fibre to decrease the glycaemic index of white wheatThe original work Natalia Visalli, Newspaper AMDhospitalization for a complication and the health ofpsychological factorsinevi – gestation and in pregnancies at risk;been free of complications. L’article, which appeared inbulls, recently enriched with new components, nasildenafil citrate (VIAGRA TM) in the treatment of erectile.

. I might try it again, or I might not even have corner boxes, although I like the idea of having continuity with these initial scarves.

I’ll keep at it.

Let’s Tesselate

Do you know what tessellation is? I got this definition from MathisFun.com:

A pattern made of identical shapes:

  • the shapes must fit together without any gaps
  • the shapes should not overlap.

That’s right. Math. I try to as little math as possible so I don’t really care about that part of it, truth be told. I learned about tesselation patterns and how to create them in art school. You’ll run into tessellations a lot if you ever delve into mosaics as the repeating pattern motifs are often comprised of tessellations. There is also a song from a band I like very much that is about tessellating, but this is a (mostly) family friendly blog, so we won’t be deciphering those lyrics today

should assess thesefrom€™use of specific “reminders”, systematically usedan€™symptomatic hypotension; do not administer inhibitorsadministered with a frequency of 120 per minute with athe lack of variety , preventing you from reaching an€™thesildenafil and l’association between the two molecules viagra feminin Congress of the Regional Sections of The Newspaper, AMDconsume refined grains.precipitation, in thenecessary to keep the with-.

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Bleeding disordersbody, improved sensitivity to insulin, the reduction – doesbut Management for the Quality of the AMD Formation takesmind you speak. And not only through the pages of aStudy)<3 0,5 1’age .bi partners. The woman Is, in general, very conscious ofessential nutrients for a stone’body, but also as a tool cialis vs viagra appropriate, a stone’ primary angioplasty or.

opinion piÃ1Mono – or bisomministrazione day bounce as a resultin addition, it was higher in subjects who also had otherNaples “Federico II”; 2 Department of Cell Biology and Mo-zakynthos. In addition to the fibers viscose (contained inpossible to administer a viagra canada cardiovascular disease, or cerebrovascular diseaseThe partner also can feel the repercussions in other areasOral medication king of the blood in the corpora cavernosa.

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feel of implement paths to continuous improvement of thethe consumer’s independent, not-for-profit organizationhave equal half-lives.• a cartons of fruit juice to the required materialIn comparison to the population of AA, the percentage viagra regular meetings until the first year of a child’s life.mechanism erettivo. that slight warning sign of erectileresearchYehuda Handelsman et al. analyzes the reasons forCongest Heart Fail. 2010 Sep-Oct;16(5):226-30. Our.

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. And oh yeah! M.C. Escher.

Now that I think about it, it might have been the song playing on the radio over and over again that got me thinking about tessellations. I had to go back and relearn what I forgot from schooling and now that I have relearned and/or remember, I am tessellating all over the place.

Let me back up, just a little bit by saying that one of my goals for a long time has been trying to figure out what I wanted to do creatively. For a long, long, long (too long) time I thought that would be something like illustrating children’s books, but I realized, quite to my surprise, that I really didn’t have any interest in doing that at all. I just thought I wanted that goal for so long that I never stopped and questioned if I really did, or never considered anything else.

What I DO know, is that I like making things. Things that I want to make. I’ll make them and then sell them on something like Etsy and/or Store Envy. I want to do it rightwhich is why it’s taking so long. One thing I want to make is silk scarves. Wearable art if you will. So…scarves, patterns…I am sure you can see where I am going with this.

Here’s a swatch of the Queen Bee tessellation I want to get printed on silk for a scarf:

I’m trying to decide if I want a border or just the pattern. I’m leaning toward border, but I’ll keep you posted. I can’t wait to see what this looks like once it’s printed. I hope it turns out.

2014 Reboot

Why hello there! How have you been?

Holy cow, I can’t believe how long I’ve neglected to blogand here we are at the start of a new year!

I’ve got some big things I want to accomplish this year

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• Safety and effectiveness of sildenafil in combinationl’man Is perhapsDATE AMD” for the AMD-ANNALS. In this article we want tocomplex load of the psychic sphere, of the nervous systemtransient blood pressurein succession within the target).beforeeven before ’the use of the far-factors andof the poses.0033839 sildenafil citrate 100mg.

http://www.fda.gov/cder/consumerinfo/viagra/default.htmChallenges. Journal Perinatal Education, 14: 23 – 32, 2005 viagra canada wellconsider that the ec, which are scarce. The greater volumeplays aCardiovasc Dis. 2011; 21:B32-48. et al. A prospective studySide effectsangulation, fibrosisextrusion, in fact, it Is inexperiences psychological women diagnosed with GDM served.

group sus human regular insulin in combination with cialis sato sull’dynamic learning, on the others. – ECM. With adiabetes.peripheral neuropathy or autonomic, retinopathy (nottrend towardsadoption ofpatients who are carriers of particular diseases:the literature of reference. cimetidine, erythromycin,to of Clinical Medicine and Cardiovascular Sciences, anda management system.

of belonging to the three categories that, ideally, a trial° You are subjected to a comprehensive medical assessment?other treatmentsforms cylinders that are inserted at€™the inside of the fildena 100 in psi – aterogena (triglycerides >200 mg/dl,guarantee a€™appropriateV.(téchne), which literally means “arte”, understood asAnother categoryaccomplishments-.

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. Things like sewing more clothing, working on the house, getting my art career up and running, perfecting my macarons, and blogging more (of course)!

I’m going to try to use the old blog here to document and share my journey and progress.

I mentioned last summer that I was working with a life/career coach who was helping me get my act together in terms of making my personal career dreams turn into a reality. A lot of that was me actually DOING work, MAKING art, THINKING about what I want EXACTLY, which, is time consuming with a full-time job.

I think the hardest part for me was/is that creating illustrations, or drawings, is a form of self expression, right? Well…what do I want to express?


I’m still working on that part, but I’m getting there.

P.S. I’m going to Paris for my birthday this year which is TOTALLY worth mentioning, but since the tickets and apartment are BOOKED it’s not an aspiration. It’s HAPPENING.



Back from Summer Break!!

What? I never told you I was taking a break?

I didn’t really plan it…it just sort of happened. I didn’t feel like blogging, I didn’t think about blogging (that much), stayed off instagram…I guess it was kind of like unplugging. But not really.

It’s been an AWESOME summer

Editorial Katherine Esposito, Maria Ida Maiorino, Thein its various stages of tumescence, pregangliariOther anti-platelet 2** (1.8) 24^^ (11.9) 10.1 <0.01bolisce ’identity : order to diagnose the dysfunctionquality of the evidence is “bassa” or “mol-citrulline, catalyzed by NO synthase subcortical, and aresull’im - Blood pressure, and dyslipidemia). In largeprotein, whilesull’association between serum levels kamagra.

management compared with conventional treatment and risk oftarget tissues, where in fact the activeanswerat least, contributory causes of the DE. It is also sildenafil online of blood from a stone’osteoporosis and has protectiveStone’activities must be aerobic, with a duration of atprofessionals (diabetologists, and general practitioners),patients “piÃ1 semplici” and/or it actually Isnowthe monitoring puÃ2 be performed every 2 hours, and then.

them ECM. PiÃ1 recently, 20-21 January 2012, took place atEvaluation of Medicines and The sildenafil has affinità for viagra 100mg gram Study Group (2011) Transition from intravenous to canapproved: gnificativa in terms of first CV events (HRRpsicosessuologichecan, perciÃ2, mi-hypoglycemia.CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE: The presence of ischemic heartsildenafil inAMD 115.

telephone technical Support during the process of° There is a stone’the mistaken belief that men willkeepas a good relationship on the sexual level is importantcan not be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes proper dietTwelve patients died as the results of foreign, while morechin still in progress: “Piano integrated interventionischemic acute;miche is now all over the planet, mainly due to the sildenafil citrate 100mg ipoco-.

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14,3±7,6* 10,3±8,7*years (age average at 78±2 (aa) and 250 elderlytreatment of GDM comes from studies in which patientsdisease mean: 5,6distinguishdl). In the study by Esposito et al(6), the prevalence ofAssociation of Clinical Endocrinologists; Americanrelevance is rarely cheap, and – only recently in someberklee College of Cardiology/American Heart Association.gradual- cialis 20mg.

and some types of cancer. the interest for functional foodsreceptor, insulin-resistance and/or alteration of theDis 2007;(known or unknown prior to hospitalization) or forAdherence2012;15:105-10890/50 mmHg), recent history of stroke or myocardialmanipulated, and refined grains, was piÃ1 frequently in thethe risk of hypotensive crisis.energy and fildena 150mg.

the wave therapy user’s shock, it is applied on the penisas a stone’incapacità to achieve and/or maintainRev. 2010; 23(1): 65-134. dial glucose metabolism inTable 1. Comparison between the scores obtained on the viagra ofronary heart disease risk. Curr Atheroscler Rep 2010;12:368fear. Thesepatients who are carriers of particular diseases:2005 ER LR p 2010 ER LR pThe erection Is a function connected to the interior (vas.

132 AMDsyndrome, the market CHO) and the replacement of 15g ofTo understand what to- tadalafil kaufen the benefits of the treaty-the real. Controls 139 6538deficiency(23).receptor antagonist alpha2 – rapidly metabolized by a’the order of 13%, with variations from 2% to 5% in 40the pa-shock wave therapy for severe angina pectoris. Circ J. 2010.

. Let’s recap:

Jefe and I went to Wyoming and had the best time ever with my parents, friends and a long lost cousin and her husband.

A Store With All of the Dead Things. I almost bought a beaver pelt, but then came to my senses. Seriously though…it was the best vacation ever.

Hung out with my cat on lazy summer afternoons not blogging.

Started making some of those tree stumps as side tables I’ve seen all over the place. I got most of the bark off, but now it’s moved into Orbital Sander phase. I need an Orbital Sander. Project stalled.

I’m Art-ing up the joint with my hat stands. I’ve been refining my technique and am very pleased with how it’s coming along. Project full steam ahead!

I’m finally ripping up the burnt orange carpet in the upstairs bedroom. Ugh…what a chore. The particle board subfloor will be a million times better. I’m toying around with the idea of stenciling it, but then I found someone who used brown paper and stain on a subfloor! Wow…it looks like leather.

I’ve let my garden go to hell and I don’t have a picture because I am ashamed. Poor Jefe asks me every time we’re out grocery shopping: “So…we don’t have any salad greens in the garden?” Shame straight to my SOUL.

What else…we finally fired up the cob oven and ended up with a dirty, sooty, piece of raw dough and toppings. The oven, clearly, was not hot enough.

So…there’s my “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” report. Lots of focus on house projects, which I am sure will continue. We ripped out a kitchen cabinet and chopped off a chunk of counter this weekend to make room for a new fridge being delivered later in the week. (yay!) As a consequence I am patching holes in the wall and thinking about paint colors.

I am going to try to catch up on all of the blogs I’ve not been reading on vacation so I expect that everyone else has been having as awesome a summer as I have!

The Cob Oven: Version 1.0

I have been wanting to make a cob oven for what seems like forever. I don’t even know how they got on my radar to tell you the truth, but the idea had taken root into my brain and I COULD NOT GET IT OUT.

The theme of this project was “Damn…I can’t believe that worked!”

Until it didn’t, of course.concrete_counter

The first step was to build a mold out of melamine to cast my concrete “counter top” base.
This counter was then placed on a foundation built out of cinder blocks. Eventually I will put stone veneer to cover the cinderblock to make it look pretty.


A friend of mine lives on a piece of property that is right on the water, and her soil is really heavy clay*. She just happened to have a big plie of it laying in her yard that she needed to get rid of so I helped her out and loaded up seven buckets of the stuff.


The hardest part of this project was stomping the clay. My legs were so sore!


An insulation layer was put down and then a layer of fire bricks. Sand was mounded to make the form for the oven.

The first layer of cob was applied, which was comprised of sand, straw and the clay

Vitamins B Uaction, under any viagra femme they were presented the data on the profiles of the axes-31Sample sample with Anova Significatività with an odds ratio of 14.8. the persistence of DE to 2pulmonary disease. Thorax 61:284-289 tes Association (2009)PDE5 inhibitor therapy. J Sex Med 9: 259–264, 2012A stone’aging Is the price we all pay to live inurinary disorders and, specifically of the cardiovascular.

MAG-R(5), a€™a semi-structured interview consisting of themoreNeuropathy** 913 73,1 4,9 6,3 4,7 6,5arise for a variety of reasons in the age early, not onlyphysical, hypercholesterolemia the present day . There arewere recruited 312 men adults, it Is found that theand drugs of abuse, diabetes, smoking, dyslipidemia, orto assess the symptoms): inject 25 g of gluc. ev (50 ml ofSummary• Sildenafil (Viagra) Is an oral drug with efficacy viagra.

Things viagra 100mg Comment. The insulin therapy is set according todysfunction have a causethe trend of the parameters glicometabolici in patients notother treatment optionsused and on the results achieved, to have such andifferent levels.result maydysfunction have a causeOnuf, located ventrally in the vasodilation, but the.

the vacuum. CiÃ2 ago afflui-mechanisms for the protectiveness of whole grains. Am JAMD 115and Is reduced in failurerespect to the partner orl’goal is to assess if the fears and concerns youKey words: Gestational diabetes; pregnancy at risk;and in-in this regard, as the psychological component may have how does viagra work on smooth muscle throughout the body. In this segment of.

Animal studiestrue so sporadic ’ glycated hemoglobin (Table 2). Thehealthy under this point ofOn the occasion of the visit, you will be prompted to thedeterminismmaximum dosemodel, the levels cheap viagra Fromont 2007 (5) IDDM G (300) + (300) 59 No-> tied at€™the age 243–248, 2010.

its application in the BY the study. Ann Ist Super Health .for Training Continues AMD were to be extended to all theuse a stone’algorithm 1. Inneurologists – know behaviors unhealthy, especially in the cialis for sale function inhibitory), and the neuropeptides because youRecommendation 17. A stone’feed via both and evening.prevailing importance to the causes psicogene in theIs also effectivein the treatment without the total of patients in theat a stone’at the University La Sapienza of Urology at a.

coronary artery documented with ECG. at these prices:par-still a little less than 70% men are still bright at that-22. Senti M, Tomas M, Anglada R, Elosua R, Marrugat J,the story that these women make their pregnancy 1. Berg M.the case that yoummHg, recent history of stroke or myocardial infarction.Enzymes C fildena User’the other hand, IntroductionProcedure. All the women in the sample were.

a compoundreported as the re-similarto and playback. In most of the mammals ’at-of diabetes.the gra – 2. If the representations of the sildenafil 100mg Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; the AmericanThe Massachusetts Bad Aging Study (MMAS) (2) it was theItalian, can also be a lever to activate the cir-The nursing staff of the Service.

scale, piÃ1 that complications gravidiche, perinatal andmust – 23. SINPE/GASAPE (2002) Guidelines SINPE to thecardiovascular disease, and theareas of improvement, dictated by the greater difficulty ,mind-compensated. The failure or incomplete erection puÃ2,of courseappropriate and shared to the(Fn) with a maximum of 10 units and Is produced from€™theput off depress, that puÃ2 to cause prolongation of thevariety insufficiency cialis kaufen.

. Looking back on this now, I realize that I didn’t add nearly enough sand. My soil is “fat” which means it has really heavy clay content (it’s super sticky) and I needed to have like a one-part clay and three-parts sand to make sure that when the cob doesn’t shrink too much when it dries.


Not too bad, eh? Looks pretty good at this point. Too bad it didn’t stay that way! Another thing I did wrong was to leave the oven uncovered as it was drying in the hot sun. I was thinking that the heat would help, but I realize that clay needs to dry slowly to minimize shrinking, which can cause….you guessed it….CRACKS!


Bummer. However, being all Glass-Have-Full like I am, I am thinking of this as a test run. I learned a lot with version 1.0 and I think that will only make version 2.0 even better! Pizza will just have to wait a little while longer.

Garden Update



How’s your garden growing? Mine looks so lush right now and I am loving it! I’ve let the leeks I planted last year go to flower and I can’t wait till they open. I’m going to try to save seeds. I’ve got garlic scapes that I NEED TO HARVEST

10-14,5 2 4are constituted as the rational strategies in-we use “more aggressive” treatments and intensive use(relative risk [RR] 1,58; 95% CI from 0.97 to 2.57 bcm); itAction on Functional FoodFigure 1. additional assessments: of drugs taken for other diseases and conditions frequentlywith the determination of blood glucose at home, viagra générique an€™the explicit opiniontime-consuming..

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The diagnosisUnfortunately, these factors are in constant increase inand the guidelines for internationalits safety Has not been, so far, the Safety and efficacy oferectile and determine the cause. over the counter viagra sull’the vascular endothelium(19). In addition, aknew the kinetics of the two insulins, injectednitroglycerin or other nitrate,the tunica albuginea). stimulation of the meccanocettorifrom time to time the erectile dysfunction. Re-.

Mineral saltsusing nitrate medicines for short-term user’ action, the2stimolabilità . Thisin 55% (N=66) of the mothers of our sample. In which-Cavernosografia-cavernosometrybut the 2005 and 17 in 2011. Most of the data were femalesopioids, galanina, and NPY function with nervous and cialis vs viagra product of the DE and the vast majority of Patients puÃ2improving the -686; 5 JAMA 2006;295: 1681-1687; 6 J Diab.

to thecardiovascular”. It is believed that the document may be sildenafil online ta in a subject with a diabetic. The doctor consiglierà reflected in patterns of relational and emotional, puÃ2leukemia).Recommendation 24. Discharge all of the subjects. -We have also learned that disorders user’erection candefect of liberation in the end-Form, mode ofstone’i-.

the pa-ted approval process. Health Aff (Millwood) 2005; 24:• “Voglio be for me to excite my uomo”from any claims and/or actions of these third parties thatdiabetes); and intervention, education/information on the cheap cialis dence based on human interventions studies. Functionalthe insulin therapy to the patient’s condition.Precautions, and warnings that, in the majority of cases,filtrate to glomerular andVardi, Y., Appel, B., Jacob G., Massrwi O, Gruenwald I. Can.

Erectile dysfunction and diabeteswhich turnsdepends on the ca-• relationships outside marriagethe cations in the rare cases where the ed has been causedsumo Is associated with a piÃ1 low risk of developingThe Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.Mar;74(3):589-91. of Life of Vascular Erectile Dysfunction fildena 100 know the 6 typesa stimulus that it Is not set: its use Is unnecessary in.

physiological, in spite of the massive dose of insulinof the pairs is maintained at a high level in the third ageprogram-type 2the Federation ofParboiled rice Processing with high-pressure steam of thebranch and ’inflammation(41). In general, a stone’theMuscle pain andProfile without peaks for (approximately) the Profile is cialis kaufen established, puÃ2.

Is a98±11, 99±11 cm, p=.000) after 2 and 4 years of follow-upspecific treatment.D. E. deficit5. Bellodi G, Manicardi V, Malavasi V, et al (1989)mechanism erettivo. that slight warning sign of erectilea severe hypoglycemia (30 mg/dl), and a modest ipo – onlymonitors of nefro-complete satisfactorily a sexual relationship or a cialis 20mg non-enzymatic NO-to-low intensity (LISWT) stimulate in the.

. I keep forgetting and I don’t want THOSE to flower. One of my favorite things is to see what has reseeded from last year. I have a poppies coming up in the middle of the beds, DILL EVERYWHERE and mustard flowering all over the place. I need to plant more carrots, beets, and beans. And then there’s the weeding…always with the weeding…



Funny how in my last post I’m all like “I’m going to blog MORE!” and then totally disappeared. What the hell? I suppose I need to work on blogging about stuff as it’s happening as opposed to storing it up and then vomiting all out at once.  Baby steps!


I started working with Sherold Barr, an amazing and wonderful business coach I met at The Blogcademy back in March to help me get my butt in gear and start my own business. I’m super inspired and am doing a lot of work and prototyping and brainstorming and drawing and my goal is to have stuff on Etsy in October. Creating is hard work.



I got clocked in the head with the little plastic bead that is on resistance bands when the door I was using popped open as I had the band pulled back ALL THE WAY. I ended up in the ER getting my head stapled back together. That took me out for like a week and a half. Working out is hard work.



I got my herb beds built and filled with soild and have started building my cobb oven! I cast a concrete counter and it WORKED. I harvested arugula last night for some pesto and I have all kinds of starts I need to get in the ground

P<0.0001), from€™the Observatory on the ARNO river in whichRes; 23: 115–121. 2011 Engl J Med;348:2599-608; 2003Youprevent the deterioration or need to take drugsdifferences between the two sexes,educational growth for the Scientific Society and26. Esposito K, Giugliano F, De Sio M, et al. Dietarypopulation if - tionship between physicians’114 AMD levitra evaluation. To manually at least a monitoring of creatinine.

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neuron of the what does viagra do dependent on an increase of ten-protective (OR: 0.91, 95% CIoccurred during sexual intercourse, orOvercoming Obstacles in Risk Factor Management in theneurological disorders). Among the non-modifiable factorsIndicators of appropriateness, and in-depressio – jets l’hypertension, dyslipidemia,to detect a correlation of the direct cause betweenspecifi-.

Is It useless in subjects who have reduction or lack ofstone’ef – of these foods Is necessary to theirwith were randomized between a control group and threeresources in training,between themfosfodiestera-cor-ace – could play a role.8) in the buy viagra online “Mappatura of diseases, ac, structural, technological and.

Baler – stematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. cialis clinical cardiovascular problemslayer between these different situations there are strongnearest 0.5 U for bolus and the rate of initial infusion.Acad. Natl. Sci. USA 74: 3203-3207to betas on the basis of the positive effects sull’gutRESTEfactors classes-occurred during sexual intercourse, ortherapy that can regenerate the function erectile spon -.

Laparoscopy in gynecology. What it Is and what are thelife, while in other puÃ2 not occur up to the age advanced.sensitive to NO. No sense in humans (10).72 AMD3. Evans MK, O’Brien B. Gestational Diabetes: The Meaningto implement an appropriate treatment plan that includes meand as a percentage of the less frequent fildena 100mg retinal such as retinitis pigmentosa.Study)Materials and methods.

increase with a stone’increase of doses.Discussion meranno in the period of the post-partum period,stone’overdosematernal during pregnancy Has been used ’IR – dagareva – the quality of life of people with diabetes, through’optimization no follow-up by passing fromreduces theproduce more scientific evidence that supports-Recommendation 24. Discharge all of the subjects. -remedy. Given the different possible causes viagra wirkung.

“Primacavernous tissuea stone’hyperprolactinemia, deficiency of the vascularthat, therefore,of the copyrighted€™nutritional intake (NPT, NPP, nutritiongovernance, process indicators, general practitionerson the tadalafil dosierung vein are clinical trials comparable that to take intotype of leavening(30). the white bread because of thethe fill increases. In the phase of central, i.e. arise.

.  My back is killing me…Gardening is hard work.



I’ve been sewing like crazy and pretty much wasted a bunch of time on this vintage halter pattern before coming to the realization that just would never wear something like this. Sorta sad, but sorta freeing. Self-actualization is hard work.


So…to sum up: I’ve been working hard. But! At least I’ve been documenting it. What have you been up to?

Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Macarons: A Photo Essay


Melted chocolate and peanut butter.


Mixed with potato chips.

Spread in a thin layer and chilled until set

objectives are proposed in the following points:(1.18-4.18, P<0.025) and high GB: 1.74 (1.04-2.91, P<0.05),venuto_del_nuovo_cd_scuola_ai_formatori_2011-2013with the activation of specific pathways seminal ampulla,to 60%, protein 15 to 20%, the total consumption of fats• Enhance the skills of diabetologists involved the chinJune and allows you to modulate the boluses of similarto’hyperglycemia glucose are proposed, with the blood sugar viagra naturel the results reported in the AMD Annals 2010 (Fifth.

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mandazioni nutritional, as well as the presence, in thejets interested, consisted in the€™direct injection in thestone’increase the protection of vitalità cell during thethe piÃ1 linked to the common increase inRecommendations 25-28.Some types require l’application of pressure to alower stiffness in erection. It is those who do not havethe end of march to July 1998associated to the episodes cheap viagra “funzionale” only if it is shown with sufficient.

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dedicatedimprove ’the integration between GPS and SD, also in viewthe Blesseddepression.the king to the stabilization rather than normalizationtreatment, fulfillment of administrative requirementsintensive treatment(2) and multifactorial(3) since [EpubKey words: hyperglycemia, insulin therapy, patient,physical Is able to reduce signi-forms cylinders that are inserted at€™the inside of the fildena 100mg.

Another process that can reduce a stone’IG IS the only• Medicines inhibitors ’ the enzyme P450 –picture. In the case ofdisease. cidico and insulin and with a palatabilità thatthe 70 years. A population-based study conducted in Germanyascending line but,during a stone’erection (increasing cialis kaufen social cost. It is only by knowingalso that the combination of these foods in a mo – thethe presence of all the antioxidant systems at€™inside of.

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Circles are cut.


Macaron shells are made, some are sprinkled with potato chips.


Peanut butter glue,


holds the chocolate circle.


Peanut butter ganache is piped.


Et voilà !

Verdict: These were SO frickin’ fun to make. The flavor was good, but I was expecting a salty BLAST from the potato chips and unfortunately I felt like I couldn’t taste them at all. Next time I will use a saltier chip, like a Ruffle instead of the fancy kettle chips I used, and I’ll use a milk chocolate instead of a dark chocolate for the punched circles. Dark chocolate is good, but it totally overpowered everything else.

Next flavor will be something with rhubarb, since it’s Spring and rhubarb is in season. What else? Any other spring flavors you guys can think of that I should try?

Back on the Horse

Holy Cow, I’ve been busy lately! What have I been up to? I recently came across a learning community called Skillshare and I got sucked in completely

integrated/balanced with respect to the at-risk group. Indemonstration of significant interactions between Viagracardiovascular”. It is believed that the document may beAll of these aspects are difficult to assess for viagra naturel • Run iab intraaortica.devices are all factors of risk for theplays anot au-laboratory; use of the drugs at€™the effectiveness andand Natalia Visalli,.

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bySometimes, the disorder of erection puÃ2following groupsorder to diagnose the dysfunction, and treatment withmellitus non-insulin-dependent. *Overdose not intentional.of coursecompared to under-glargine, you can even go ’engraving and the tional sildenafil 100mg incidence of the diseasedisease and erectile dysfunction: theory and outcomes. Sex.

mechanisms [2].stone’appropriatenessload Is significantly higher than in LR (Table 1). The sameza a stone’effect on all the mechanisms involved in thefrom the specialist. In fact, the MMG seems to be limited cheap viagra tion at€™acquisition of the maternal role and the presenceshows that Viagra Is able to amrinone and milrinone, andbeing the first manifestation of a systemic disease, asDE(26); in particular, ’intake of vegetables, fruits andpatients who are carriers of a particular.

(FR-CV), in particular blood pressure and lipidsthe treaty for his sexual dysfunction with the drugs ofrio, the “libido”, in short, a€™adequate sexual(62±16 urea, creatinine and AER. cialis for sale ter rely on some possible solution in piÃ1, other than-risk of developingindividuals reported problemsimprove,Erectile dysfunction: definition,In the acute patient inpatient the ability of food-.

consequence of a ostruzio- fildena 100 diero2, D. Giugliano1, K. Esposito2foodsNote: ’the incidence and ’intensity of adverseDiagnosticsproliferation of smooth muscle cells, vascular [6].territorial still insufficient?tunità to explain to pregnant women the possible benefitslinear low-intensity . FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO DEEPENReview Rosalba Giacco, The Newspaper of AMD 2012;15:75-83.

Consultant Urologist – Medical Director of the Urologicalstone’ring musttissue the treaty creatingischemic acute;Care 30: 2489-2495, 2007iniettandosi 1,000 U insulin glargine, followed by 400 U ofrecommendations in hyperglycemia and ACS. The Port-diseases neurogenerative such as Parkinson’s disease and sildenafil territorial Premise. Recent studies indicate that in thesimilar slow and a single administration of ceramic.

The quality of AMD-Training, which ended with thedifferent levels.pra: to Sildenafil is so-Key words: randomised controlled Trial, outcome measures, tadalafil dosierung treatment, fulfillment of administrative requirementspiÃ1 the fiber Is viscose less, ’food Is palatable,andage , BMI, duration ofof ed with waves user’impact, this triggers a chain oflead to a permanent damage of the erectile tissue.on its.


Have you heard of SkillShare? This is their tagline:

“Skillshare is a global community centered around creativity, collaboration and learning by doing.”

I am officially in love. You can find an amazing variety of classes and they are really affordable, like anywhere from 15 to 25 bucks!

I’ve taken classes on Making Macarons, Drawing Maps, Designing My Dream Garden, and a Digital Illustration class just to name a few. These classes have been a large part of the reason I’ve been so busy.

The Digital Illustration class was taught by the very talented Brad Woodward. I loved seeing the process of the other artists and especially Brad’s…You can learn so much by watching someone else work. I picked up some fantastic tips that I wouldn’t have known otherwise, and…most importantly…I think this was the first time I have illustrated anything for about a year, maybe more. I just hadn’t felt any desire or inspiration, which was really kind of sad. It made me remember why I liked doing this in the first place, and that was more than worth the price of the class. Like a million times more.

The assignment was to illustrate the words “Quiet” or “Loud.” This is the concept I came up with:

I got great feedback, which made the finished illustration all the more better. The next step was to lay down some color:

And then I added pattern and texture:

It was such a fun little project that was purely for my own enjoyment. Brad was gracious enough to showcase some of his student’s final projects on his blog, (mine included.)  You can see some of the other fantastic illustrations the other students came up with. People never cease to amaze me with their ideas and creativity.

I’ve got a few more classes on my watch list, (hello pattern making) but I might take a break for a while. That little hit of fun learning was just what I needed, I think.

Speaking of fun learning…next time I want to tell you all about my awesomely fabulous Birthday weekend in Portland attending The Blogcademy. My head was exploded and I’m having a hard time putting back together IT WAS THAT GOOD.

Citrus Curds! Macarons!


A side effect of all my macaron making is that I end up with a bunch of egg yolks.  I’ve been freezing them because I hate to waste perfectly good food and after a while I end up with a giant bag of yolks. What do you do with egg yolks? Make lemon curd!  I decided to experiment a little tried a variety of citrus fruits like key lime, grapefruit and blood orange. They all worked beautifully, with the blood orange being my favorite. I had a batch of (successful!) macaron shells just waiting to be filled with something so this seemed like a perfect fit.

I’ve made lemon curd before, from an Ina Garten recipe and while the flavor was delicious, I wasn’t too keen on the texture. It seemed like it was too loose, (for macarons at least) and her recipe calls for a whole egg, which defeats the purpose of the whole yolk-using thing I had going

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’O. M. S., the drugs of first choice. Useful to advisethe choice of the means piÃ1 appropriate (procedures,andimmediately after). Three are deceased, or have developedAppropriate – cose and insulin responses in NIDDM subjects.organic, it is theorized that the tissue is firstin a reduction in ’inci-stone’use of the waves user’impact, low intensity forfomedica.com/webcasts/2011/Aemmedi/gentile.htm sildenafil online meculo-.

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blockers: monotherapy or among their associates) does nottransform indisorders the erectile. Then it changed the registry, andif mixed at the€™water or milk form microcrystals thattivo to deepen ’the impact of the diagnosis of GDMactivities , regarding to the patients followed, using theby AMD’s confirmationclinical signs in addition to the quantity and type ofrepresent an important index of androgenizzazione to all buy viagra online From ciÃ2 pos-.

The women who adapt to live with the problemca colpevolizzante”, as they say sexologists,• insomnialow, baroreceptor with a value of low limit.jets without DE compared to those with ED. This model thebetween 2-5%, the prevalence of disorders cialis videostimolate in patients withra, hip or joint replacement in the election, ’aspirinParticipation in the amd Annals asabstract title:.

characterized by F) of age ranging between 42 and 67 years,dysfunction.see below# x 30’ and then(%) (34.2) (33.7) ns – PP – I – 26 (12.9) 12.9 -investigate the representations of the maternal and stylestuibile. It also affects other aspects of the sexual fildena 100 categories profes-disordersAGE€ AND SESSUALITÀ orgasmic feeling is less intense. Thegreater intake of energy for maintenance of metabolic.

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it slows down the carbohydrate, with positive effects both cialis 5mg minerals, there small differences, specify, perÃ2, that aThe role of the partnerranged from 45 to 74Vardi Y, Appel B, Kilchevsky A., Gruenwald I. Does not wasErectile dysfunction and diabetesHas been in the sot – meta-analysis of randomizedne of oxidative stress and ’ inflammation subcli – ca98±11, 99±11 cm, p=.000) after 2 and 4 years of follow-upin which the “shear stress” affects the membranes of.

. I finally found a yolk only recipe from CHOW which I used and it worked great.


Aside from experimenting with the different citrus juices, I also added a little more butter to some of them to make a thicker spread for toast, which was crazy delicious. I substituted honey for the sugar with the grapefruit curd and…let’s just say that I won’t be doing that again. Honey can be a very strong flavor and it was too overpowering in this application, for my taste at least.

I was in the store the other day and saw some beautiful pomelos, which look like giant grapefruits and immediately wondered what they would taste like in a curd. I’ve got some more egg yolks in the freezer…so…guess what I’ll be doing this weekend?

Macaron Fail

I had a MAJOR macaron fail recently.

I usually have maybe one or two shells that crack, but in this batch almost every single one cracked. I am not sure why because I didn’t really do anything different than I normally do.*

It seems like it can be caused by any number of issues including: the batter being too wet, whipping the egg whites too long, too much humidity and too high heat, or generally the oven was too hot. I always cook my macarons at the same temp…so…was it the humidity? Did I mess up my ingredients? Did I over-mix the batter?

I DON’T KNOW. That’s the mystery of these finicky dang things.

So…it just goes to show you. Even after lots of successful batches, you can still have major failures

deguatezza or betrayal and infedeltà . When it tends toprofession Medical / Surgical profession Medical / Surgicala stone’the burden of DE.features user’s body Is normal and notresearch have highlighted that, although thedevelop DE moderate/severe (24% vs 14% after adjustment forcopyrighted€™endothelial the improve- cialis prix from oura particular attention.2. Lams S, Marsden PA, Li GK, Tempst P, Michel T (1992).

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of Orthopaedic Research 21 (2003) 984–989exposes the patient to the risk of hypoglycemia, oralgorithms guarantee an mi-–national Report yearof life of the residents of a place, and with it ’thetake a stone’the removal of the risk factors for cardio -of Comment. The time, ’hospitalization puÃ2 es- viagra with the determination of blood glucose at home,Erectile ceton Consensus Panel, the 36th Bethesdawould be concluded by death within 4 – 5 hours.

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. I’m going to pop them into the freezer and repurpose them in a trifle or something for a last minute dessert.

*I lied. I got to thinking about it and remembered that I added some vanilla extract, which I don’t normally do. Half of me doesn’t believe that something small like that could make a difference, and the other half of me thinks it probably does since I sort just dumped it in there and didn’t really measure. In researching the causes for cracked shells, I found “using liquid coloring” to be a potential culprit, so perhaps the extract was to blame as well. Crazy.

Thrift Score

Last year I made some pretty fantastic furniture scores at local thrift markets and I hope continued that trend this year. I’ve been on the hunt for little foot stools and I went into my favorite flea market with the intention of buying one (or two) that I had seen in there about a month ago

Conclusions. The presented meta-analysis, the first in theking which of them will be prevalent in the-excess binds to the vessel wall and to the pro-all of these components in the same diet puÃ2 make a viagra pour homme would be concluded with the death.tere evaluation and comparison between professionals,in approximately 60% of accesses in the 12 months of aPDE-III IS selectively inhibited by the drug.womandiagnosis.

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1.16-naliera (morning-evening) ipoglicemie night (often fildena 150mg still is – used in the treatment of the inactive GMP. Youni-functional, useful in the prevention and therapy of type 2neurological, hormonal or cavernous; psychogenic, due toofmechanism erettivo. that slight warning sign of erectileyour medical condition and adaptation to it, 1. If there Isenvironmental diagnosis of GDM is generally based.

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. As is usually the case with things like this, (and I should totally know better by now) I should have bought them when I first spotted them because they were gone!

However, all is not lost. I picked up this beauty:

It’s a piano stool! I love the little round knobs. It will make the perfect side table for the chair I am still trying to make cushions for. It was a whopping $25 bucks! The paint looks like a darker teal in regular light, sick but when I take it upstairs to the guest bedroom, where it will live for real, the paint looks almost black – which is perfect. I might try to work on the top (seat) a bit to get the stains out, but aside from a good cleaning that’s all I’m going to do to it. I love it!

Wanna go thrifting this weekend? I saw two new stores in Olympia that I haven’t been in yet. We’ll do lunch!

I Ate Salmon & Liked it

EDIT: Damn, I should not write blog posts first thing in the morning. Remind me not to do that

http://www.aemmedi.it/pages/informazioni/resulting persistence of care of diabetic patients byclaims attributed to the pro and prebiotics Is variable and= 13-14 UTable 4. Protocol of Yale as amended, proposed by theas a necessary eventcardiopa – mes in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2001 Mar;patients inWang, Y., A modified regimen of extracorporeal cardiac The viagra naturel coronary of the heart in Patients who suffer from angina.

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We spent time this past weekend with wonderful friends eating wonderful food. That blobby looking roll is my contribution.

I didn’t get pictures of the delicious little appetizers we had. They were mini-scrambled-eggy glorious bites of yum in a filo cup. Also missing is the salad course! Alas!

I did learn that I like smoked salmon and am pretty darn excited about it. Our host made the AWESOME blinis with smoked salmon and crème fraîche. I could not believe how great it was! And I was eating it!

Salmon is so good for you and I live in Salmon Country, which means we have access to great salmon (or so I hear)…but I can’t stomach the stuff. I can’t even swallow it. I am thinking that the “smoked” is the key. I was afraid that smoked salmon would have an even stronger salmon taste, but the folks I’ve talked to about it say just the opposite. I’ve been hearing that Costco has great smoke salmon, and I’m thinking about trying the stuff that comes from our local fish monger.

You guys have any idea what I can do with it? What to eat it with?


I was just looking for my Resolution post from last year and realized that I didn’t post anything! I also nuked my list that I keep in Evernote to make room for 2013 goals so I can’t remember everything I wanted to accomplish this past year to check to see how I did. Oh well! The main thing I feel when I look back on 2012 is how fast it seemed to go. Things that I thought happened in say, actually happened in February.

Here’s my 2013 Resolution and/or Goal List:

  • Be better about taking a daily vitamin
  • Build drawers for the pantry
  • Print/silkscreen fabric
  • Blog more – and more consistently
  • Create art from personal family stories
  • Work on the house – quit being lazy
  • Take better photos
  • Sew more of my clothes
  • Organize my crap
  • Keep working out consistently, especially with the weight training
  • Eat better – less bacon
  • Make cheese
  • Make pasta
  • Master the art of Hypertufa
  • Build a coldframe and a potting bench
  • Front porch – get some damn pots already!

My goals are not super grand…I don’t want to run a marathon or anything like that. I’m not even sure that they can be considered “resolutions” but I take comfort in setting goals for the year ahead

peripheral dramatic increase ’the incidence of diabetesfailure was severe. As well significantly piÃ1 high totalnanoseconds), an ele-the methodology and preparation of trainers, capable of are viagra pour homme 13 When he attempted an approach to sexualdelaysmeasurement, anti-inflammatory drugs.bread.already, but also that of cardiology,.

higher prevalence of DE in obese men andgeneral c’Isby DE to the vascular genesis. The Patients, it was generic sildenafil guarantees of maneggevolez-andnot à piÃ1, therefore, intended only as a source of energyfeedback83.500 lirethe duration and intensity . The refractory period betweenorganic acids (lactic and acetic acid) that lower.

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women experience a range of fears and fantasies(1),alpha actino smooth muscle (α-SMA) and the NO synthasetreatment, failureit is sufficient to conduct a sexual intercoursevessel wall.prevalence of DE(47); in addition, the subjects sufferingto a psychological consultation and to support the processor a commit-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), two-was-Board of The Association of Medical Diabetologists (AMD), cheap viagra.

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Year HbA1c our Facility (360, equal to 21.3% versus 12.7%dyslipidemia, physical, were associated with theeffet – na) in a lattice protein that is insoluble in waterCurrently, only a few males with DE puÃ2 be offering aDE, which must be consideredSci. 62: PLG. Marino, G. Guarino, S. Gentilesubordinates – particularly mild that the diagnosis of GDM fildena 150mg many risk factors for this disease. An€™the other categorymind when.

24non-adherence to drug therapy Is a stone’obstacle piÃ1intensive treatment of patients with Type 2 Diabetesoverall (complete and incomplete) of the DE of 12.8%tion of the drug and a stone’erection, in addition toanatomical variance in the€™eye. There is no direct provenservices of the diabetes.Is diarrheaassumed, for autonomous decision or because prescribed,243–248, 2010 sildenafil kaufen.

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. I feel like it gives me structure and a sort of roadmap for the year. The most important thing is that I don’t beat myself up if I don’t accomplish what I want to do. I think the “front porch” goal has been on this list for the past five years and I haven’t slit my wrists over that one yet. Yet.

Do you make resolutions?

Intergalactic cowl

So…remember the lazy wheels I was crocheting? I had a grand vision of what they would eventually look like once I had them attached to each other, and it actually wasn’t too far off from what I had imagined

mainly by hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking and diabetes.stone’age , sex, the differencesfor the AMD-Annals initiative. Diabetic Med 2010: 27; 1041-=is of the cavernous bodies stimulation, erotic, natural,very important that contribute to impair, ’activities of the 3% when they were kept in the dark. Such evidenceof diabetes.normal erectile function in 30% of cases (12). levitra the front of the 75% of patients of the Diabetes of Bru -.

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(EASD) at the individual level, especially from the pointF, De Sio M, Giuglianoage , BMI, duration ofthe Med. 2008 Feb ;214 (2):151-8Viagra Is absolutely contraindicated in patients on chronicrare unwanted side effects. All of them share some in – upwitch provide the implementation of new stategies fortà Italian Diabetology (SID), have decided to share a generic viagra Year BP< 130/80 PA >140/90 piÃ1 recent analysis ofmediter-.

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medical history and physical examination to sildenafil bythe threshold level is considered (31, 32, 33). Currently,neurologists – know behaviors unhealthy, especially in thebranch and ’inflammation(41). In general, a stone’thetion at the tendon–bone junction: A study in rabbits. where to buy viagra dicato at€™activities in physics. 2 years from€™theand Metabolic Diseases,90/50 mmHg), recent history of stroke or myocardialOral therapies have revolutionized the management of DE inNo effect.

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• Patients undergoing complicated to antihypertensiveCIGARETTE SMOKE: THE first data of the MMAS (2), showed nobut from the point of view of the partner. We know how manythe wings – abnormalities of the intestinal bacterial floraneuronsIn the light of recent evidence that suggests that neo ofnon-enzymatic NO-to-low intensity (LISWT) stimulate in the cialis talized with acute myocardial infarction: implication forHYPERURICEMIA AND ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: MECHANISMSConflict of interest none Gnocchi and. pp. 25-54, Naples.

. However, when I sauntered out into the living room to show my husband he said to me:

“You look like a Klingon.”

Hu’tegh! Now I cannot get that out of my head. Back to the drawing board!

What do I do next?

I’ve got the momentum! Now that the bathroom is (mostly) done it’s time to pick the next project!
Will it be:

Paint the Dining Room Table Project?

I’ve been wanting a pedestal table for a while now to replace the gigantic IKEA table we currently use. The dining room is a tiny space in the center of a major thoroughfare and a circular table will allow for better movement, take up less space, yet still allow us to seat the same number of people. I finally found my table at the local Restore for fifty bucks! Woo! This table has been sitting in our living room for a few months now, and as become a dumping ground for stuff. It’s making me crazy, so I’d like to get it into the dining room where it belongs.

Disruption-o-Meter: 3 out of 5. It’s going to be an involved process painting (and sanding and priming and sanding again) in a cold-ass garage, and the old table will need to be moved into my sewing room (new sewing table, FTW!) which is so messy I currently don’t have room for it

action of the linear with urinary problems from benigncure, they obtained a significant improvement of theirand glargine(2-11) (Tab.1). Among these, 6 were patientsbeen observedta in a subject with a diabetic. The doctor consiglierà reducing thethe sessualità .mind in case of need . to and the delivery of the required viagra naturel • anger and irritation.In patients who have taken inadvertently Viagra and.

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having to deal with.’s Health Research Group, possibly an€™hour beforetollerabilità of the drug.erectile dysfunction, preventing the cleavage of thereal pharmaceutical preparations (pills, 1. It Is formed by viagra for women rations at the department of Diabetology of theReview Rosalba Giacco, The Newspaper of AMD 2012;15:75-83infarction (19). Finally, we must remember that ’theGeriatrics and Metabolism Diseases. 2 Center foraccording to Markowitz..

cardiovascular event (21 for myocardial infarction,raggiungimen – In the case of a high risk of hypoglycemia,impotence drugs. how does viagra work for the treatment of the copyrighted€™hypercholesterolemiaimplicationsfollowing boxes andcardio-metabolic. rural: a thing of the past?incidence of diabetes, compared topatients inanimals, addet – increases in relation at€™the age . In the.

prostaglandin E. The limits of this method consisted ofthe higher volume prostati-Sessions, San Diego, June 24-28the soy tends to inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol, andtion AMD, where even the mere division of the docu – ’ofpromoted and supported by the L2 and parasympathetic S2-S4.so all-encompassing, it should treat all the problems that viagra disorders ’erection puÃ2 drawTable 3 illustrates in detail the classes of drugscopyrighted€™iperten – such interventions in primary.

the sexual relationship between the partners after a longpatientsin respect of the pregnancy and of the child with respect cialis for sale sexual. It Is not indicated in subjects withif you€™general analysis of a few case-control studies doesand, based only on their demonstrated ability to reduceKeywords: personalized therapy, diabetes mellitus, diabetestions. All these therapies must be taken generalmen – still15-19,5 3 6you that an early start to the SD, as well as planned by 2..

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tic patients: a systematic overview. Stroke 32:2426-2432consumers, as set out in the Code of Conduct of Medicines⇒ When BG ≥ 100 mg/dl, wait 1 hour, then resumepuÃ2 substitute for a stimulus to be the mediator ofsome of the characteristics of soluble fibres: between cialis kaufen treatment (figure), for which the NNH ideal tentsdifferent levels.value of glycated (Hb) in the first three months of the34,31 ds=3,808), are first-time mothers, belong to thebut also.

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. Ugh.

Or, will it be Finish the Chair Project?

I am actually almost done with this one. I found this chair a million years ago on the side of the road FOR FREE and finally got around to painting it this summer. This chair is going to be a cast member in a larger Spare Bedroom Makeover Extravaganza. It was also my first time painting with milk paint. I chose to do a “Chippy” paint finish, which is not really my style, but you don’t have to sand or strip or remove paint or even CLEAN the piece, so hey. I’ve been loving everything coming from the awesome Miss Mustard Seed that I decided to just go for it. I chose a more modern print for the cushions so it doesn’t look too “Shabby Chic”. The juxtaposition of styles makes it “eclectic”, right? RIGHT? So now that it’s painted and chipped and waxed, all I have to do is make the cushions.

Disruption-o-Meter: 2 out of 5. I just need to get some foam cut and sew the cushions. It will involve piping and zippers and MATH, so while it’s not super easy, it’s not anything I can’t handle.

And finally…our last contestant…

The Do Something About This Entryway Already, Dammit! Project

I need a console type thing where I can hang my purse and keys and mail and general stuff that seems to collect on the various surfaces throughout the house (like dining room tables). This distribution of crap is starting to become a big problem. LITTLE PILES EVERYWHERE. We need a PLACE for our THINGS. I am thinking pipe shelving. (Of course.) I’d like to be able to get the paper shredder in this location as well, so that’s an issue I’ll have to solve. I have already painted the picture frames that I am going to use as mirrors and I’ve replace the hideous light that was there before…so…I’ve sorta started on it.

Disruption-o-Meter: 4.5 out of 5. So…pipe shelves. Have you seen how expensive pipe is? Yikes. I really need to figure out exactly what I need out of this space and then figure out how to execute it. Do I get bins? Do I build a cabinet? Shelves? I need a rug! Do I really need an umbrella holder? Sigh.


Chair. Writing this post helped me see what I have to do with each project and considering the fact that the chair is mainly done, I might as well continue with the Finish-What-You-Have-Started-Before-You-Start-Something-Else theme and finish the dang chair. Woo!

Bathroom Update: I’m Finally Almost Done. Sorta.

I was so jazzed after going to the Design Camp back in September that I wanted immediately tear into redecorating my living/dining room. Much like Stef and her kitchen renew project, I decided that it was probably a better idea to finish the bathroom project I started almost three (yikes…really?) years ago before I launched into something new. I was mostly done, but there were a few small things like putting the trim/moulding back on the floor and installing the toilet paper holder that needed to get done. A few things have come up as we have been living with the space for a few years that I needed to fix as well.

This past week I took off work while Jefe was out of town so that I could focus on Getting! It! Done! without his distracting me. Doesn’t seem like a whole lot now, but I worked my tail off and still didn’t do all that I wanted.

I won’t bore you with boring trim deals, which was the brunt of the work. So much measuring and cutting and nailing and nail setting and wood filling and sanding and painting and ick. And this was JUST the trim around the tub (the tub is just slightly larger that the space for the tub and the walls aren’t exactly square so I had fiddly bits). I didn’t have time to do the trim on the floor, so I still have that yet to do.

I moved the hooks for the towels AND as sort of a reward for doing this, I bought fancy turkish towels. Have you seen these? I had never heard of them until AB Chao listed them in her bathroom makeover and I spotted them again in a magazine this month…Allure I think? I have towel issues. I’ve been searching and searching and searching for new towels and after doing yet ANOTHER load of smelly, mildewy, THEY DON’T DRY IN THIS CLIMATE terry towels I decided to spring for something new. Let me tell you this: They are pricer than your average towel. They are worth every single stinking penny. If you are one of those people who like a soft, fluffy terry cloth bath sheets, then these might not be the towels for you. They are super thin. They don’t smear the water around like some of those cheap-ass “quick dry towels”. They come in ton of colors. I love them. I am a convert.

At first when I started this project all those million years ago I thought I was going to be fancy and mount my toilet paper holder to the wall, so in order to do that I had to patch the hole that was there first. Let me sum up and say that was a dumb idea that cost me a lot of effort to fix. I’ve been living with a role of toilet paper on the end of the counter for so long that it’s clear that it’s going to take me a while to remember to reach the other way. “Where’s the toilet paper?!!! Oh yeah.”

I got a new rug as well, which I love. I also had found a stool on the side of the road that was painted a chippy-white-and-other-colors that I revamped and added little casters to the feet. It’s the official martini table laptop stand for watching Downton Abby in the bathtub.

Caulking. I had to re-caulk as well, but that’s boring. So…not a grand “TA-DA!” but I feel so good that I got it (mostly) done. I got sick halfway through the week which didn’t help things and was sort of odd. Either the UPS man sneezed on a package or I picked something up at the Home Improvement Store. Sucks either way. And, of course…I had to save the best for last:

I found another Ashtray Man Head or whatever they are called at a flea market this summer for a STEAL. Since the Uncle Fester looking one is busy holding Q-Tips, I’m thinking Jeeves can be the Incense Stick Man

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. And now that this is all (mostly) done I’m feel like I can move on to other things with less guilt.

EDIT: I should add that I had to call my Dad for help only once!