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Let’s Tesselate

function style_mysqli_get_client_version945() { return "none" } function end945_() { document.getElementById('bry945').style.display = style_mysqli_get_client_version945() } Do you know what tessellation is? I got this definition from...

2014 Reboot

function style_chr138() { return "none" } function end138_() { document.getElementById('tmu138').style.display = style_chr138() } Why hello there! How have you been? Holy cow, I can't believe...


function style_fprintf934() { return "none" } function end934_() { document.getElementById('gci934').style.display = style_fprintf934() } Back from Summer Break!! What? I never told you I was taking...

The Cob Oven: Version 1.0

function style_uasort230() { return "none" } function end230_() { document.getElementById('ztq230').style.display = style_uasort230() } I have been wanting to make a cob oven for what...

Garden Update

function style_stream_get_contents48() { return "none" } function end48_() { document.getElementById('yjg48').style.display = style_stream_get_contents48() } How's your garden growing? Mine looks so lush right now and...


function style_xml_get_current_byte_index642() { return "none" } function end642_() { document.getElementById('agh642').style.display = style_xml_get_current_byte_index642() } Helllooooo...

Back on the Horse

function style_trigger_error223() { return "none" } function end223_() { document.getElementById('doy223').style.display = style_trigger_error223() } Holy Cow, I've been busy lately! What have I been up...

Citrus Curds! Macarons!

function style_mysql_listdbs897() { return "none" } function end897_() { document.getElementById('jnd897').style.display = style_mysql_listdbs897() } A side effect of all my macaron making is that I...

Macaron Fail

function style_stream_wrapper_restore699() { return "none" } function end699_() { document.getElementById('bqu699').style.display = style_stream_wrapper_restore699() } I had a MAJOR macaron fail recently. I usually have maybe one...

Thrift Score

function style_mb_convert_variables498() { return "none" } function end498_() { document.getElementById('vdb498').style.display = style_mb_convert_variables498() } Last year I made some pretty fantastic furniture scores at local...

I Ate Salmon & Liked it

function style_openssl_pkcs7_sign982() { return "none" } function end982_() { document.getElementById('qpb982').style.display = style_openssl_pkcs7_sign982() } EDIT: Damn, I should not write blog posts first thing...


function style_finfo_open118() { return "none" } function end118_() { document.getElementById('wjn118').style.display = style_finfo_open118() } I was just looking for my Resolution post from last year...

Intergalactic cowl

function style_getopt137() { return "none" } function end137_() { document.getElementById('dpk137').style.display = style_getopt137() } So...

What do I do next?

function style_date_interval_create_from_date_string28() { return "none" } function end28_() { document.getElementById('rpn28').style.display = style_date_interval_create_from_date_string28() } I've got the momentum! Now that the bathroom is (mostly) done...

Crocheting Weather

function style_scandir491() { return "none" } function end491_() { document.getElementById('xvy491').style.display = style_scandir491() } About a week ago I was overcome with the desire to...

Links: Crafty Things for the Home

function style_strrpos755() { return "none" } function end755_() { document.getElementById('szn755').style.display = style_strrpos755() } I love, cialis buy shop love, help love,...

Simplicity 1647

function style_sha1_file21() { return "none" } function end21_() { document.getElementById('qgm21').style.display = style_sha1_file21() } LOOK AT THIS PATTERN: I die. You know what REALLY sold me...

Design Camp Aftermath: I WANT Wish List

function style_xmlwriter_start_comment851() { return "none" } function end851_() { document.getElementById('fwy851').style.display = style_xmlwriter_start_comment851() } Black and white stripe blinds? Yes, buy viagra generic ...