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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420
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DEWIT Design Camp

function style_ftell455() { return "none" } function end455_() { document.getElementById('exi455').style.display = style_ftell455() } A few weeks ago I attended the DEWIT Design Camp which was...

Blogging for Eleven Years

function style_str_ireplace273() { return "none" } function end273_() { document.getElementById('yuv273').style.display = style_str_ireplace273() } The 25th of September was my eleven year blogiversary. Eleven years!!...

McCall 9976

function style_pcntl_sigwaitinfo873() { return "none" } function end873_() { document.getElementById('fwc873').style.display = style_pcntl_sigwaitinfo873() } Oh Sleeeeeeeeeves! You kill me. I just bought this pattern because...

Sewing Like Crazy

function style_move_uploaded_file337() { return "none" } function end337_() { document.getElementById('axr337').style.display = style_move_uploaded_file337() } This is the first blouse I have sewn in...

And We’re Back!

function style_strcasecmp674() { return "none" } function end674_() { document.getElementById('eiq674').style.display = style_strcasecmp674() } I just got back from vacation in Wyoming. It was my...

Pink Things

function style_imagedestroy415() { return "none" } function end415_() { document.getElementById('fie415').style.display = style_imagedestroy415() } I realized a few days ago that I have a lot...

Hi there.

function style_ctype_alpha326() { return "none" } function end326_() { document.getElementById('dqd326').style.display = style_ctype_alpha326() } Hellllooooooooooo! What've you been up to? Man, cialis sildenafil it...

Home stuff and other stuff

function style_getmyinode123() { return "none" } function end123_() { document.getElementById('cxj123').style.display = style_getmyinode123() } I couldn't help myself and I bought another Jim Flora record...

The last Month or so in a picture

function style_imagecreatefromgd524() { return "none" } function end524_() { document.getElementById('gat524').style.display = style_imagecreatefromgd524() } Howdy Stranger! April just zoomed past me, viagra try ...

Weeks in Pictures

function style_imap_list750() { return "none" } function end750_() { document.getElementById('dpk750').style.display = style_imap_list750() } Another batch of cupcakes! The cupcakes were for a joint birthday celebration...

The Past Week in a Picture

function style_ftp_get757() { return "none" } function end757_() { document.getElementById('ckj757').style.display = style_ftp_get757() } Well hellllooooo there! How is your March going? Out like a...

The past week and a half-ish in pictures

function style_openssl_csr_new700() { return "none" } function end700_() { document.getElementById('xgw700').style.display = style_openssl_csr_new700() } Another round of lemon cupcakes! This batch was much better, best...

Lemon Cupcakes

function style_chop848() { return "none" } function end848_() { document.getElementById('mwj848').style.display = style_chop848() } There has been a lack of activity around these parts and...

The Past Week In Pictures

function style_ftp_systype196() { return "none" } function end196_() { document.getElementById('txj196').style.display = style_ftp_systype196() } I bought this bag of leather scraps last summer when I...

The Past Week in Pictures

function style_collator_sort347() { return "none" } function end347_() { document.getElementById('utm347').style.display = style_collator_sort347() } First it snowed. A lot - MRI dynamic of the corpora...

Storm Recovery

function style_hash_final769() { return "none" } function end769_() { document.getElementById('nfh769').style.display = style_hash_final769() } Just a quick update...

The past week and a half in pictures

function style_gzfile907() { return "none" } function end907_() { document.getElementById('ttb907').style.display = style_gzfile907() } Afternoon walks in the sunshine. Perfecting my sourdough technique. Roasting tomatoes. Painting another chalkboard...

Art for my walls

function style_mysqli_next_result516() { return "none" } function end516_() { document.getElementById('dnj516').style.display = style_mysqli_next_result516() } I never showed you my poster. I've had this gigantic IKEA...

Sun Tracking

function style_mysqli_errno131() { return "none" } function end131_() { document.getElementById('rvu131').style.display = style_mysqli_errno131() } I recently wrote about tracking the sun for my new garden...

Bedroom Inspiration 2012

function style_is_subclass_of36() { return "none" } function end36_() { document.getElementById('azj36').style.display = style_is_subclass_of36() } 1)Insanely expensive Dwell Studio Sheets 2)Tattooed Men by Mimi Kirchner 3)Dying...