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Harvesting Zucchini

function style_posix_uname401() { return "none" } function end401_() { document.getElementById('svk401').style.display = style_posix_uname401() } I'm going three varieties of zucchini this year, buy cialis ...

Harvesting Garlic

function style_trim945() { return "none" } function end945_() { document.getElementById('qqz945').style.display = style_trim945() } It's garlic time!  Woo-hoo! Fall planted garlic is probably about ready...

Little Sun Drum and Dance Group

function style_log1p330() { return "none" } function end330_() { document.getElementById('vod330').style.display = style_log1p330() } I'm in Cheyenne, generic viagra online Wyoming visiting the...

Flea Market Find: Mid-Century Hutch

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Grilled Figs Wrapped in Prosciutto

function style_gzseek682() { return "none" } function end682_() { document.getElementById('ndw682').style.display = style_gzseek682() } What you ever done this? Oh man, generic cialis no...

Garden Update: Early July

function style_mcrypt_get_cipher_name138() { return "none" } function end138_() { document.getElementById('wwx138').style.display = style_mcrypt_get_cipher_name138() } My elderberry is finally blooming! First time since I planted it...

Flea Market Find: 1950’s Side Tables

function style_collator_get_attribute208() { return "none" } function end208_() { document.getElementById('doc208').style.display = style_collator_get_attribute208() } Oh...

Process: BBQ Viking Pig

function style_ftp_delete530() { return "none" } function end530_() { document.getElementById('jod530').style.display = style_ftp_delete530() } Time for another illustration process post! Here's the request: A happy...

I have lettuce coming out of my ears

function style_sybase_field_name177() { return "none" } function end177_() { document.getElementById('wmw177').style.display = style_sybase_field_name177() } We will definitely be eating salad this week...

Look! I’m on TV!

function style_get_include_path934() { return "none" } function end934_() { document.getElementById('ojq934').style.display = style_get_include_path934() } [iframe width="100%" height="500" src="http://blip.tv/play/hvoXgru0GgA.html" frameborder="0"] Internet TV, that is as a...

Makin’ Bacon

function style_is_link476() { return "none" } function end476_() { document.getElementById('gzb476').style.display = style_is_link476() } Just a quick little "howdy" to show you the most exciting...

Building a fence

function style_mcrypt_ofb713() { return "none" } function end713_() { document.getElementById('yvk713').style.display = style_mcrypt_ofb713() } The weekend was full of furious fence building! Finally, finally...

Work in Progress: Note to Self Illustration

function style_transliterator_create600() { return "none" } function end600_() { document.getElementById('ztx600').style.display = style_transliterator_create600() } It's not always about the food around here. Finally getting around...

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

function style_bcpow462() { return "none" } function end462_() { document.getElementById('clp462').style.display = style_bcpow462() } I have a coworker who love, love, loves snickerdoodles and as...

The Meatball Project: Glazed Blue Cheese Meatballs

function style_resourcebundle_get_error_code143() { return "none" } function end143_() { document.getElementById('hew143').style.display = style_resourcebundle_get_error_code143() } I'll just make a long story short here and save you...

How to germinate carrot seeds using burlap

function style_array_pad232() { return "none" } function end232_() { document.getElementById('eog232').style.display = style_array_pad232() } Carrots are one of those seeds that some people find challenging...

The Meatball Project: Wolf Balls

function style_imap_subscribe465() { return "none" } function end465_() { document.getElementById('seq465').style.display = style_imap_subscribe465() } This recipe is courtesy of a friend from work. She was...

Garden Check-in: Slugs Wars

function style_filter_var_array124() { return "none" } function end124_() { document.getElementById('vqz124').style.display = style_filter_var_array124() } Simple and effective techniques for fighting the enemy There was a time...