Simplicity 1647
I die. You know what REALLY sold me on it? (It was a bit pricier than what I normally spring for.) The jacket. It’s a ONE-SHOULDER JACKET. Oh man. No matter that it’s not my size. I HAD to have it. I also might want to rethink the whole “perusing the internet when I wake up” thing. My self control is not at its best at 5:30 in the morning. I do take comfort however, cialis sale levitra in the fact that I could grade the pattern up to my size. I should start on that now, cialis sales viagra actually. I might get it done in time for summer!
And since we’re on the topic of impulse pattern purchasing, advice I also recently acquired the Beginner’s Starter Pack from Victory Patterns. I saw Sallieoh’s version of the Satsuki dress and decided that I NEED ONE TOO.
So…you know…I got this pattern buying thing DOWN. Still working on the sewing part. In fact, I still haven’t finished that blouse because I need interfacing (and buttons) and haven’t had the time to restock supplies. BUT! I DID create my muslin for the Simplicity 2406 – Cynthia Rowley (view C) this past weekend and it fit! and it survived the ever discerning eye of my husband. Houston, we’re cleared for takeoff
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Just as soon as I get some interfacing.