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The Past Week in a Picture

Well hellllooooo there! How is your March going? Out like a lamb? Ours is a soggy, discount viagra recipe dreary, troche rainy lamb. Jefe and I were on vacation last week, spending most of it in Portland. Our Lulu Bird was SO happy to see us when we came back. We got lots of snuggles intermixed with angry “why-did-you-leave-me?” bites.

Our trip was sort of a pre-birthday treat, but I just HAD to treat myself to something I’ve been lusting after for ages:

I can’t wait for these babies to arrive

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. I hope they fit. They are a part of my grand plan to start going to work NOT looking like a 13 year old boy. Good bye, my Chuckie All Stars, it’s been fun.

The past week and a half-ish in pictures

Another round of lemon cupcakes! This batch was much better, best cialis medical but I still have more research to do before I declare an ultimate winner.

I bought some leather paint because Dharma Trading had it on sale

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. What am I going to do with it? I don’t know but I have a few ideas.

We’ve had some beautiful weather this week, which is sadly gone, but it gave a promise of what is to come. Hopefully. If we have another dreary Spring/Summer like the past two years I might go crazy. CRAZY.

A little preview of what’s to come over in the garden. Pre-sproutin’ ma peas.

Lemon Cupcakes

There has been a lack of activity around these parts and the reason is that I have been sucked into the Stephanie Plum Number books by Janet Evanovich. When I read, cialis cheap I READ and do absolutely nothing else

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. I’m on book fourteen out of eighteen so I should be done by the end of the week and back to my regularly scheduled program.

One thing I want to tackle is finding the perfect, viagra usa basic cake recipe. I made these lemon cupcakes this past weekend and the cake was SO dense and dry…I didn’t much care for the frosting either – too gooey. The lemon curd, however, was awesome. I am going to go all crazy and try to make a gigantic batch and can it.

I’ve been wanting to make this Ultimate Vanilla Cupcake recipe by The Cupcake Project for a long time so I think it will be a good place to start. I also want to explore the vegan cupcake arena, as I have found they are soooo moist and delicious and irresistible.

I’ll also need to figure out a better basic frosting as well. I’ve tried the magic flour one and while the texture is awesome, I felt like I could *taste* the flour. Blech. I think it’ll end up either being a swiss or italian buttercream. I don’t like overly sweet frostings and I don’t mind the fussiness involved with the bain-marie and sugar syrups. Yay! Cupcake Bandwagon!