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Sewing 2017 – The Fitting Shell

Photo Feb 15, 6 40 49 AM

So,…one of the other items that is taking up much of my brain space lately is sewing. I’ve had some super frustrating experiences the past few years and I’ve almost given up completely a few times, but I just…can’t. I thought I would try my hand with the Emery Dress because I am technically skilled enough to sew darts and sleeves and zippers, but HOLY COW.  It did not work

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. Like, at all. That bodice block did NOT work on my body.

I decided to go back to a project I started last year, and that is following the Little Tailoress’ series Fun with Fit where she walks you through taking your measurements to use the Butterick 5627 Fitting Shell to create a block that works for you. I had completed the front and back bodice – successfully – but it all turned to shit when I added the sleeves. So…after much Googling I *think* figured it out. This bodice/sleeve fitting article on Threads was a lifesaver.
My issue main issue was that my armhole was too low and I totally botched the sleeve alterations. However, by raising the armhole, it eliminating the pulling across my back when I moved my arms. It’s just a tad too high, however, as the armhole is a little too tight to be comfortable.
Another very helpful article was one describing how to take excess fabric out from under the bust by altering the darts. You can see my mangled version above.
Now I need to move on to the actual sleeves again. I rented a Threads fitting DVD from my libary that was SUPER helpful and now I know what I did wrong the first time. I think the main thing I got from that DVD was the instructors saying that your pattern, after you have altered it to fit your measurements, might not look at all like a standard bodice pattern. Hearing that from people who know what they are doing made me feel better.
Also: Swedish Tracing Paper is magic.
Also 2: I am getting really, really tired of making muslins.



How have you been? Things have been well around these parts. I have no complaints

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. I’ve been thinking about trying to blog again on a more regular basis and told myself that I would start the first week of January!

Obviously THAT didn’t happen, but better late than never, right? Here’s what’s going on at the moment:

Remember the ditch from the front yard project? Here’s a reminder:

Ditch_MARCH2016Here’s where I am now:

BOOM. Sorta. My first task this spring is to finish planting and mulching the ditch and the major project for the front yard will be installing a brick patio over in the corner. And I’ve got to clear out all of those blackberries back by the fence. Ugh.

I half-assed it in the vegetable gardens last year so I told myself that this year I would FULL ass it. So, I’ve got my planting plan completed, seeds purchased and I’m currently trying to start onion and leeks in the spare closet/grow room. This weekend I’ll also start some spinach. THIS week, I’ll start some spinach. I also joined a garden club and even though it’s only been a week, it’s been SO HELPFUL ALREADY. I’ve been able to put together a planting calendar and garden maps!CALENDARPLANS

I have a Grand Plan of installing a cutting garden this year, but I am always overly ambitious in the planning department and seem to under perform in the execution stage, so…fair warning to keep your expectations low on this one. I’ve winter sown some flower seeds in some old distilled water bottles like I did last year and have stuck them outside to chill. I’ve got a TON more to do still. Here’s the general area where the cutting garden will go:


Mainly where the black plastic is, on the right-hand side of the photo.

The next order of business is to get my soil tested. We did this when I was a member of the local community garden, but I’ve never actually taken the step and do it for myself. Silly!


I started a business!


After YEARS and YEARS and YEARS of thinking about it, and sort of dabbling, I am finally selling my art.

I found out that what I was missing all those years was a partner. I need a partner…and I found one. Her name is Jinger and she is my co-worker (at my full-time day job)

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. She is seriously one of the best people I have ever met in my entire life.

Jinger’s talent is hand lettering, which I totally suck at. She’s awesome and amazing at ton of other things and I can’t even begin to describe how magical it is to work with her.

Our business is called House+Heart. We create empowering, (hopefully) inspiring, beautiful art celebrating women. Jinger’s last name is House, but House and Mulherin doesn’t really flow very well and is not very catchy. Who’s going to remember that? I had started to incorporate hearts into the art I was creating at the time so House+Heart was born!

It’s taken us a year of collaborating and figuring out what the hell we are doing and we finally launched a collection of eight prints on May 1st via our Etsy shop.

This was a gigantic milestone, but we have a lot of work ahead of us. We are both super excited and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Check us out on Instagram and Pinterest!