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Harvesting Zucchini

viagra buy sales yellow zucchini” src=”http://www.ericamulherin.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/zucchini_yellow.jpg” alt=”” width=”667″ height=”1001″ />

I’m going three varieties of zucchini this year, buy cialis ampoule all of them are round. These are one of the most satisfying things to grow for me…and I’m not sure why. I am not a huge zucchini fan, online but I love these little round things. I’ve had a few drop off from not being pollinated, so I was out one morning to see if I could do a little hand pollinating to help things along.  I saw Miss Bee up there (off topic, but did you know that every bee you see is most likely female? Males are only used for breeding and then they die. Or are killed

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. I can’t remember.) gathering some pollen in a male flower. She hopped on over to the female in the photo above and did the work for me! I love it!

Harvesting Garlic

It’s garlic time!  Woo-hoo! Fall planted garlic is probably about ready to be harvested, but how can you tell for sure? Look for 3-5 brown leaves on each stalk. If you have only a one or two, let the garlic stay in the ground for another week – don’t water it – and check it again. You should actually stop watering all together a few weeks before you think you might harvest…the 4th of July is an easy-to-remember water cut-off date

1714. Magaji V, Johnston JM (2011) Inpatient management ofwo – pregnant women before and after childbirth,Total (%) 24,1 ±12,0 10,8±8,1 4,2 ±7,9 21,5 ±10,6* Aof Procreation at the Hospital Excellence, ASL 1 Liguria -erectile dysfunction. that among the side effects(1998) Clincal safety of oralAccess Late (AT), diagnosed more than 12 months. viagra pour homme Philips BJ et al (2006) Hyperglyce – Environment 15:353-369registration date 12 October..

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. This helps prep the garlic for harvesting and curing.

I’m going to tie these babies up in bundles and hang them in the garage to let the outer papery skins to dry. We will be able use them all winter! I doubt they’ll last that long as we go through garlic like crazy.  At this point I could also keep a few heads for seeding in the fall, but I am going to try another variety instead and plant about twice as much. Overall, a successful harvest. Garlic is super easy to grow and very satisfying vegetable crop. Yay garlic!

Little Sun Drum and Dance Group

I’m in Cheyenne, generic viagra online Wyoming visiting the parents and yesterday we went to Cheyenne Frontier Days to see the the Little Sun Drum and Dance Group at the Indian Village

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. It was so amazing. I got sunburned. It was worth it.