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Makin’ Bacon

Just a quick little “howdy” to show you the most exciting thing happening around these parts as of late. Jefe’s giving pork belly the five star spa treatment and slathering it with a salt rub. A friend of ours brought his smoker over during the fence building extravaganza and it’s been hanging out in our backyard ever since

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Process: CHOW Foods Kids Cooking Class illustration

Here’s another illustration I did recently for the awesome CHOW Foods

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. They are having a kid’s cooking class up in Seattle, viagra usa sick which man…if I had kids I would drag them up there and force them to attend. When I worked at the cooking school here in Olympia, buy viagra we had kids cooking classes and they are total chaos. Fun, messy, chaos and I wanted to convey the utter joy they had in cooking.

Here is the first sketch:

Nailed it the first time! No revisions, on to the color final:

What do you think they are making? Cupcakes?