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Making it Lovely Social Space Makeover Contest Entry

Prepare your self to be overwhelmed by dark and brown. I am entering Making It Lovely’s Social Makeover Contest because our “social space” needs serious help. It’s a little embarrassing actually… but what the hay. Here it goes! Pretend that you have just walked through the front door, viagra buy order and into the living room:

Brown as far a the eye can see. It was an accident, really. The walls were painted right after we moved in about five years ago, then we bought that sectional for another room and it wouldn’t fit up the stairs (I SWEAR I measured) so we had to use it down here, broken apart no less. Classy! Last year we got the wood floors installed and I haven’t had time to repaint the walls. You’ll see paint swatch patches throughout this tour on various walls as evidence that I was at least thinking about repainting.

And then there is the fireplace. Oi. We also have overflowing bookcases, an IKEA LACK shelf held up by a cat post, and if you look carefully…on the floor in front of the left bookshelf you can see my wood juggling pin collection.

Now you are standing in front of the fireplace in the far corner so you can see into the dining room. You can also see the where the sectional connects to its other part. It’s like the poor thing is cut open with it’s guts exposed. Or it’s private parts. Avert your eyes! The student desk is from Jefe’s childhood and my Jim Flora album cover collection is hanging above it. We also have the clock wall minus one clock (broken) and an awesome mid-century chair I bought at a flea market that needs to be reupholstered. It’s partner is hiding out in my sewing room because it just can’t stand all of the brown going on.

We are now on the right side of the fire place. One of the problems of having such a dark wall color and curtains is that it seems like we are in a cave. I wish I would have lived in the house a little longer to get a sense of the light before I painted, but I was eager to make my mark on my new home

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. Another issue we have is that there is not a good spot for the TV, other than the corner, which is odd. Note the exposed light fixture connection we have yet to deal with on the wall next to the TV. I do love that you can see the SHAG seriograph hanging in the hallway. I would actually like to move the clocks here…you would be able to see them from more than one spot and there is a lot more room to expand the collection.

Dining room. I do love the view into the garden. Two of my favorite things are in this space: my grandma and mother’s (now mine) Frankoma Political mug collection (collecting must be hereditary) and the 35mm slide light fixture I made. More about that here, here, and here.

View of the dining from from the kitchen. I have another student desk that acts as a plant stand, and you can see some of by Eva Zeisel collection on the bookshelf. Most of it is packed away from when we put in the floors and I haven’t drug it back out. You can also sort of see my army of flute playing pigs salt and pepper shakers. I started out with one set and now I am up to five. Yes…another collection.

You have probably noticed a lot of IKEA on this tour, which I think is typical for a lot of people. These rooms are were we spend most of our time either on our laptops, watching tv, reading, or eating. Sometimes all at once! They are also filled with my favorite things and it would be awesome to be able to showcase them in a better light.

So there you have it! Wish me luck!

Building a fence

The weekend was full of furious fence building! Finally, finally finally…oh man…YEARS I have been waiting for this

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Future garden!

For more of this.

Lulu supervised from the lilac tree. Fuzzy belly!

Work in Progress: Note to Self Illustration

It’s not always about the food around here. Finally getting around to doing a few more Note To Self illos so I thought I would post a little work-in-progress shot

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. Happy Wednesday!

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