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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420


Red flowering currant

garlic shoots


Yesterday was a BE-YOO-TAFUL day and I was able to spend a good portion of it out in the yard

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. Mostly weeding, sildenafil online but I noticed how pretty my rhubarb is at the moment. I planted the rhubarb mainly for decoration and I usually ignore it but the stems look so red and tender I feel like I need to do something with them.

My garlic is looking amazing as well (second photo). I cannot wait for garlic scapes!! In the meant time I will busy my self with sprouting my peas using Willi Galloway’s method. I am not a snap pea fan, buy viagra check really, but she tweeted about these snap pea pickles and that was all it took. I can’t resist a pickle.

Post-Birthday Loot Recap

Through a series of unfortunate photos:

Latte heart at Cafe D’Arte in Seattle. Jefe LOVES this place and we always stop here for coffee.

This is probably a good time to mention that I got a new camera (HUZZAH!) for my birthday and it’s super complicated with many dial and buttons and settings. It’s going to take me a while to figure it out. The pictures looked amazing on the camera view screen, yet when downloaded to the computer, it seemed like I wasn’t focusing on what I thought I was focusing on. Oh well! Learning, right? The tulips at Pike Place Market are sooooo pretty right now, in focus or not.

This was my first time visiting the Gum Wall at Pike Place Market. After all the years going there, (my sister-in-law has a booth) I hadn’t even HEARD of it until a co-worker wen recently. It’s unreal.

And finally, a very bad photo of my new Wellies taken with my new camera

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. These babies are going to be seeing a lot of action in the garden. All in all it was an awesome weekend in which I was spoiled with presents, good food, and too much booze. I am sort of glad it’s over. Sort of.

Dark Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

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. I am taking them to work so I don’t eat them all myself and Jefe and I are going to CELEBRATE ALL WEEKEND! Woo-hoo! Da-du da-du da-du da-dum!