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I made a total impulse-buy this weekend and bought a fermentation crock. I’ve been thinking a lot about kimchi lately because I’ve got a couple of cabbages still hanging around in the garden that I’ve been needing to do something with, cialis sale cialis but I was mainly suckered into buying it by the very charming and adorable lady who was working at the shop.

So far it seems pretty easy: chop your vegetables, cover them with the weights that come with the crock and then add a brine. The crock has a lip around the top where you add a little water after you put the lid on which acts as a seal

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. In three to four weeks I should have some sauerkraut! There’s nothing like being able to leave food out on the counter for days and days and have it actually be good for you. Here a look at the inside:

I’ve been feeling to need to do something mindlessly crafty this winter and decided on this constellation quilt from Haptic Labs. I’ve not gotten very far:

The top is a black batik that looks like a night sky, and I’m backing it with a cream dot that also sort of echoes the star theme. I have to be extra neat with my stitches because they are going to show on the back, which is sort of a bummer for an impatient person such as myself, but I am finding that I cannot WAIT to rip the pattern off so I can see what it looks like. It’s a good activity for cold, dreary nights.

My Garden Year

South garden in June

South garden in June

Look at that jungle! I know it’s been almost six months since I blogged, tadalafil remedy which is totally lame.

I thought about it a lot! That counts, pharmacy right?

This year was the BEST garden year ever and it’s pretty much because of all of that drip irrigation I installed AND we had an A-MAZ-ING weather year

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. It’s like I was back in California. There were hits (cucumbers) and misses (beets) and instead of chronicling it in excruciatingly boring detail, I’ll just post some sort of before and after shots so you can see the transformation. Here’s the above garden in its current state:

South garden in November

South garden in November

North garden in June

North garden in June

North garden in November

North garden in November

I got my first seed catalog in the mail this past week and I’ve already highlighted the crap out of it. I’m also going try really HARD-ER to blog more. For reals.


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Hello! I am currently doing a little site-redesign/re-org so things might look a little funky for a few days…