Accessorizing the Bathroom
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. These are my super wishlist items, cialis canada not very practical (cabinet knobs aside) but that’s why it’s called a wishlist, right?
- This beautiful glass nest from HeatherHeather, for cotton balls perhaps? So pretty, via Sunset magazine.
- Hanging Air Plant Pod by Mudpuppy– I have seen these everywhere and I love love love them. Perfect for my bathroom.
- Tissue holder! From Uncommon Goods
- I think these are the cabinet knobs I am going to get. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for something perfect and I am not finding it. I keep coming back to these Anthropologie knobs, so I think I just need to get them already.
- A Glassybabby votive. These are made locally (well, Seattle) and they are so beautiful. I think pretty much any one of these colors would work just beautifully.