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Hotel Bedroom Inspiration

We are currently on vacation in Oregon celebrating Jefe’s birthday. It’s been awesome so far, viagra sale there even the though the weather has been crap. This is our hotel room in Portland called The Nines. It’s probably the prettiest hotel room I have ever been in (also the smallest.) I walked into the room and was like “Oooo – the headboard!!” I love it! I am going to tackle our bedroom after the bathroom is done and I think I am going to try to recreate this awesomely large white headboard. The teeny-weeny size aside, cialis there are many things l like about this room.

The color scheme is one, and this chair is another. I scavenged a chair off the side of the road a few years ago that I haven’t been able to decide what to do with and I think I might try to emulate the look of this one. It’s a totally different shaped chair, but I think I will paint it white and find a fabric close the one in the hotel room

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. This room is actually very similar to what I had envisioned in my head for our bedroom and it’s nice to see it “in person” so-to-speak. Even with mood boards, it’s hard to know what a room is going to look like until you have it done.

Duck Egg Hash with Salsa

Haven’t done a hash in a while, viagra buy healing have I? This hash is a sad, sovaldi sale sad tale. It had all of the good stuff: bacon, onions, potatoes, cheese, and duck eggs (which I had never had before – LOVE them!)…typical hash basics. On a whim, I decided to add a pepper that we grew from the Wendell Berry garden, and I didn’t really pay attention to what I was grabbing. I thought it was an anaheim, which would have added a lovely mellow pepper flavor, but anaheim it was not.

It was the hottest damn pepper on the face of the planet.

You know when you have something so spicy that it totally dominates and ruins the dish? That is what happened. I surrounded the hash with a bit of my favorite salsa, (Roasted Tomato Salsa from Trader Joes) and felt certain I was about to experience Hash Induced Nirvana. I couldn’t eat it

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. That damned pepper burned my face off.

More hash on flickr! Join the Breakfast Hash pool!

Solarizing Your Lawn to Create a Garden

Black plastic is used to solarize a section of my lawn as a first step in turning it into a garden bed

Leaves are put down in a layer to mark the new bed and acts as the first layer of the lasagna method of alternating green (nitrogen rich) and brown (carbon rich) layers.

Turning your lawn into a garden is a really easy. Well, it can be easy, or it can be a lot of hard work, depending on your method. You can tear up the sod with either a sod cutter or a shovel, compost the sod, add your amendments and Voila! – garden bed. While this method is fast, it’s a lot of hard work. It’s too hard (for me at least). I attempted this method when I first moved into our house and quickly realized it totally sucked, so when I heard about solarizing – I knew this method was for me. I have since solarized many areas of my yard and have learn a few things along the way.

Solarizing is a method of heating the soil and blocking light by placing plastic, cardboard, newspaper, etc. over an area of lawn for a length of time, killing off whatever lies beneath. I have used cardboard, I have used a large blue tarp, and the ONLY thing I will ever use from now on is black plastic. Why? Well…let me tell you.

I found that the blue tarp, even in the heat of summer, was still transparent enough to let a little light through which didn’t not kill off the hardiest plants (aka weeds). The cardboard was a DIS-AS-TER. I know people who have used cardboard effectively, and trick is use at least 3 layers of cardboard. But that’s A LOT of cardboard, especially if you have a large area to cover. In one section of my yard, I only laid down one layer and put really expensive mulch on top of it. It looked FABULOUS for a while, but the cardboard quickly disintegrated under the rain. The weeds and grass didn’t have time to die, and grew right up through the cardboard and the mulch which created a God awful mess I am STILL dealing with. Black plastic gets hot, and it blocks light – it works. Not to say I don’t use cardboard, but I’ll get to that. So, to begin you will need:

  • black plastic – you can get this on rolls at the hardware store
  • mulch of choice for cover once the areas has been solarized, right now I am loving straw
  • lots and lots of cardboard (optional)
  • lawn staples or anything you can get your hands on to keep the plastic in place

Lay your plastic over the area you wish solarize, cutting it to fit. Use the lawn staples to secure the plastic so that it can’t blow up in a gust of wind and let light in. I have also used scrap pieces of wood (see top photo) with much success as well. Once the plastic is secure, all you have to do is wait. I think the fall is one of the best times to solarize, because you can just let that plastic do it’s work over the next few months, and when spring comes around, pull up the plastic and you are good to go.

I solarized the patch in the photos this summer, and left the plastic only for a few weeks. The grass did die, but because I didn’t leave it for months and months, I laid a layer of cardboard down before I put down the straw for extra light-blocking action. I am going to use the lasagna method to create this bed, and I have put down my first carbon rich layer which is leaves raked up from another area of my yard

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Educators, schio of ipoglicemie narrowed substantially,feel piÃ1 attracted to me…”.° you Believe you need a psychological consultation?The Dr. David G. Batty (London, Uk), and coll. have8. Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research GroupContraindications such as PDE-I as the retinal – Ispharmacological approach viagra wirkung (±0.78) mg/dl vs. 5.6 (±0.68) p=0.034]. In this study, Isoksida-the past do an€™erection. A stone’ring binding is slipped.

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. I will continue to alternate “green” and “brown” layers, with some compost throw in until I get a bed about a foot or so high.

So there you have it! Get rid of your lawn by solarizing and plant something you can eat instead!