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Bathroom update

New tub! Woo-hoo!! This thing is glorious, cialis generic there let me tell you. Installation went fairly smoothly…there were stumbling blocks that invariably popped up along the way, generic cialis find but Dad was able to hurdle them and we’ve got a good story to tell. I am seriously loving the counter top

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. What’s left:

  • Tiling the floor
  • Tiling the tub surround
  • Tiling the sink back splash
  • Painting the vanity
  • Installing the light
  • Hanging shelves
  • Finding a new mirror – the frame I had in mind won’t fit now that the sink faucet is installed. D-oh!

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Preparing for the Invasion

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They came from above

Coming down to the wire! I only have one color to print on all posters and I will be DONE!