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New floors

I am seriously tired. We spent Friday, sildenafil sovaldi sale Saturday and Sunday installing our new beautiful wood floors and yesterday recovering from the whole ordeal. It’s amazing how everything else in the house look gross compared to the floors

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I am working on a macaron how-to, but the flooring put everything else on hold, so stay tuned!

I made Macarons!


Mission accomplished! Stay tuned for the definitive blow-by-blow. I did a lot of things differently this time and I am not sure exactly what I did to make them turn out, viagra generic no rx so I am just going to do the SAME thing every time from now on. Which I will tell you all about. Just not right now

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It occurred to me (mainly talking to coworkers) that most people probably are not familiar with Macarons. Immediately they think of Macaroons – those coconut pyramid things.

From Wikipedia:

The confectionery is characterized by its smooth, discount viagra buy cialis domed top, discount viagra ruffled circumference, and flat base. Connoisseurs prize a delicate, egg shell-like crust that yields to a moist and airy interior. The French macaroon differs from other macaroons in that it is filled with cream or butter like a sandwich cookie, and can be found in a wider variety of flavors that range from the traditional (raspberry, chocolate) to the exotic (foie gras, truffle). Making macarons requires a great deal of discipline and is a process that is highly dependent on exactitude, technique, and proper equipment. For this reason it is a notoriously difficult recipe to master and a frustrating endeavor for the amateur baker. Source.

One of my favortie bloggers posted some Macarons made in Portland at Ken’s Artisan Bakery

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. I will have to see if I can find this place next time I am down there:

camille_macarons_12Source: Childhood Flames

See the foot?  It’s the textured ring around the bottom of the meringue. My favorite thing about them, however, might be the possibility of color. I am utterly drawn to them when I see them en masse. They are like little jewels that I must possess.


Source: Gigabiting

In addition to the book I mentioned in my previous post, here is a list of recipes and tutorials I have been studying: