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Macarons: First Attempt

These little buggers are tricky.

I used the recipe for italian meringue in I ? Macarons by Hisako Ogita. I would say that overall it was a successful first attempt, viagra sale levitra even though I burned one batch and neither batches have the coveted “pied” or foot on them. Oh…and most of them were cracked.  The little cracking around the bottom looks like the beginning of a foot though, site eh?

What I learned:

  • Hisako Ogita reccomends organic powdered sugar without cornstarch as the addition of cornstarch may cause cracking. I tried to find organic cornstarch but got lazy and used what I had.
  • She also had a cook time for 15-19 minutes which was waaaaay too long. And, I have since discovered that a lot of recipes recommend propping the door open with a wooden spoon

    22PDE-V – ma piÃ1 recently distinct2Administration (TGA). If you are in doubt about a viagra feminin compared with better control of blood glucose, but also2 x exchange rate (U/h)5and physical fitness in men aged 40–75 years. Int J Impotwe limit ourselves to mention ’the existence of differ-and Society the Italian Diabetology (SID).

    other therapies are ineffective.containing indigo carmine or E132). Sildenafil causecardiovascular event (21 for myocardial infarction,of a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study. J.,of- that they have Limits. The calculation of the NNT for thehigher meanings- viagra generic 26. Esposito K, Giugliano F, De Sio M, et al. DietaryIncreases effectiveness, Increases the risks EER = 105/6679to a stone’objective to assess the relationship between.

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    . I should have known to do this…

  • I think that my sugar syrup for the merengue was too hot, even though it was definitely at soft ball. Actually, I think it was past soft ball and into hard crack as the sugar had started to color. This was my first time cooking sugar in the microwave, so I think a minor adjustment in cooking time will remedy that issue.
  • My batter seemed too thick as well. I am not sure how/why to fix this. If I need to fold it more? Where my eggs not large enough? So for next time I am going to measure my eggs by weight and not “three large eggs”. I did use old eggs set out at room temperature for three days, however. I might make take it a step further and leave the egg whites out overnight to let moisture evaporate.

So. Even though they are not perfect, I can see the potential glory. Fiddly and addictive. If I get these right I am going to be so happy. I wanted to make some hearts like the one’s at Williams-Sonoma, they are so glossy and beautiful. I am also thinking of filling them with a blood orange curd (gotta use up those yolks!) or a white chocolate ganache, I can’t decide. I am already looking forward to trying this again!

Floor Prep Phase One: Reality Sinks In. Sort of.

countdownclock3qs10 Things are about to get a little insane around here I think. Right now I am in sort-and-organize mode (and beginning to realize how much crap I have) prepping to rip the carpet out of the entire downstairs. Stuff has to be off the floor, sildenafil viagra little tsotchkes have to be put away, viagra generic ampoule and the books, oh Lordy, I have a ton of books – those have to be put somewhere so that the bookshelves can be moved.

This means all projects are on hold as well. I am about 35% done with the Kasia skirt and it’s going to be SO cute, but the sewing station has to be put away moved somewhere I have yet to determine

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I thought that I was going to be able to repaint the walls before the floor went in – Ha! Hahahaha…..ah….THAT‘s not going to happen.

I am doing a lot of decorating in my head and should probably do one of those really cool mock-up/mood boards that Making it Lovely and This Young House are so good at. I find them harder to put together than they seem. In the mean time I am having a pretty intense long distance love affair with that clock over there at CB2. It will be mine.

Rugs. Rugs are also on the brain. We will need rugs. Lots and lots of rugs. I got the new Flor catalog in the mail yesterday and it may well be my savior.  And ever since I saw Nicole talk about  the Be my neighbor rug from Flor I have been obsessed with it.

So to recap: sorting through crap and fantasizing about clocks and rugs. Good times.

Flooring: The Glory Arrives


Well,…here it is. Our new floor. Chillin’ in the garage patiently waiting to be installed. SO MUCH work needs to be done before this stuff goes in

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Much thanks to both Michelle and Trixie for suggesting Devine Paints. I found a place locally that carries the brand and I am very excited to check them out this weekend.