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The last of the sunshine

J and I spent a little time at McClane Creek this weekend. It’s one of our favorite spots here in Olympia, first introduce to me by my friend K.  There is a beaver pond and if you are lucky you can see the little guy/gal cruising across the water. We love going this time of year and in about a month it’s going to be a fantastic place to watch the salmon run. And on a complete unrelated note, I think I need a new camera

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. I left mine out overnight (oops..he he) and it hasn’t been the same since.  So what do you think, canon or nikon?

Fun with glue and paper


I really love papier-mache

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.   I’m doing some Halloween crafting this year and am making treat containers. The pumpkin with the cat mask in the photo above is my inspiration, or one of them at least.  Being able to flip through a binder of Halloween themed magazine pages for inspiration makes it worth the ordeal of organizing them, let me tell you.

I have cut the eyes out and am using paper clay to build up my features and then I will follow with more layers of newspaper.  I am a little (okay, a lot) unhappy with the oval shaped they have dried into and am trying to talk myself into being okay with it by saying things like “They look homemade!” and “Real pumpkins are shaped funny too!”

Ill let you know how that works out.

Anyway…as much a I love this part of the process, I can tell you that I am really looking forward to the glittering. I don’t glitter as much as I should, really.

CHeck out this handsome devil

He was an ashtray in a previous life, but now he will function as a match holder in the bathroom.  I have been looking for one of these for a few years and I can’t tell you the utter joy I felt when I spotted him in the back of a locked cabinet at a flea market. The first time I saw one of these was this summer at an antique shop near Pike Place Market. It was a “Barbershop Quartet” so there was four of them and they wanted about $500 for the set. I got this guy for about $35…ooh…the thrill of the hunt

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