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Garden round-up: what I learned


I can’t believe the summer is almost over! Where did it go?  I had a pretty good gardening experience this year and like a lot of people had some successes and some failures that I learned from. I have to say that I have been really encouraged by other (real)  gardeners talking about what went wrong for them this year as well. It made me not take it as a personal failure. It happens. Even to people who know what they are doing.

So. Next year I am hopefully going to have a fence built around the part of the yard that gets the most sun:


Next year I am going to start my seeds in January. I waited waaaaay too long this spring, viagra cialis but it was my first time so I didn’t really know what I was doing. The major disappointment was that I did not get any of my cucumbers in the ground, pharm   the upside is that I learned a lot about slug control.  This weekend I am hoping to get some cool season crops in an empty bed and I think I am going to plant lettuce. I tried to grow lettuce earlier this year in a wine barrel:lettuce_9_2009
I didn’t thin these seedlings enough (at all, really) and they suffered for it

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. So, I learned about the importance of thinning. I overcrowded my radishes also and even though I was super diligent about watering my radishes didn’t swell.  Part of me can’t wait for the seed catalogs to start arriving.

Note to self Friday

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Note to self Friday

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