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Note to self: Must get a moss ball


Found via Daily Candy Seattle

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. Technically they aren’t moss, cialis sales doctor they are a form of algae found in Japan and Iceland and I seriously want one.  Or three.  And on a plant related note, ed I was at the grocery store last night and was pleasantly surprised to see they were selling Epazote and Vietnamese Coriander.  Epazote is an herb used a lot in Mexican cooking: “Epazote’s fragrance is strong, but difficult to describe. It has been compared to citrus, petroleum, savory, mint and putty.” Yay! Putty! My favorite.


A beautiful sunday


It seems that it’s going to rain all week. It was so beautiful yesterday morning that I had to get out in the yard. I had Jeffery drill some holes in a wine barrel so I can plant some lettuce and I also happened to have lost my microgreen seeds! It’s making me crazy that I can’t find them. It was a huge envelope so it’s not like they are easy to miss. I can’t even remember the last place I saw them. Total bummer.

UPDATE: I know that this is vital breaking news, generic but I found my seeds, or more accurately I remembered where I put them.  It was one of those middle of the night epihpanies. I rarely have them, but I was thinking about them all day and reconstructing my movements

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. I realized as I was walking to work yesterday that not only were my microgreens gone, but my cucumbers, beans and basil ran off with them. I almost repurchased them last night and I am so glad I waited. I was thinking about how I should get a storage container for storing my remaining seeds fridge…and…well…OH MY GOD! The seeds have been chillin’ in the crisper this whole time.

Burlap and Pests


Burlap over carrot seedlings aid in germination

On Monday I had a guest blog appearance over at Diggin Foods. Willi was so gracious and kind to allow my vegetable illustrations to grace her page. Yesterday she talked about the benefits of burlap in the garden and it was such appropriate timing as I had just laid down a bit over my carrot seeds to help them germinate (thank you Organic Gardening).  I came home from work to see that my carefully laid out swath of fabric had a wrinkle.  The fuzzy brown pest had made an appearance

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. I have a feeling she is going to be a struggle in my garden this year. The past few years my garden beds have been mostly filled with dirt which she loves to roll around in and I am going to have to start thinking about cat-proofing.


The fuzzy brown pest in a moment of peace