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Replacing the Bathroom Light

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Bathroom Update: Tiling the Backsplash

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The bathroom floor now has grout.

function style_strtolower401() { return "none" } function end401_() { document.getElementById('gmk401').style.display = style_strtolower401() } And and Angel's chorus sings! I will say it again -...

Tiling the Bathroom Floor

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Accessorizing the Bathroom

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The grouting is done

function style_mysqli_store_result300() { return "none" } function end300_() { document.getElementById('mfk300').style.display = style_mysqli_store_result300() } An Angel's chorus sings "Hallelujah!" as the GROUTING! IS! DONE! And,...

Sewing, Tiling, Digging, Drawing

function style_imagecolorallocatealpha589() { return "none" } function end589_() { document.getElementById('rli589').style.display = style_imagecolorallocatealpha589() } Wow, it's been a while since I posted around this here...

Tiling…it’s not that hard

function style_fileatime377() { return "none" } function end377_() { document.getElementById('aba377').style.display = style_fileatime377() } Tile is on the wall! I was so afraid to start...

The Perfect Towel Hook

function style_bcdiv826() { return "none" } function end826_() { document.getElementById('hhi826').style.display = style_bcdiv826() } The bathroom makeover has slowed to a painful crawl after the...

Tile decisions

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Bathroom update

function style_xmlrpc_server_register_method365() { return "none" } function end365_() { document.getElementById('wwl365').style.display = style_xmlrpc_server_register_method365() } New tub! Woo-hoo!! This thing is glorious, cialis generic there...