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The Meatball Project: Albigóndas

function style_tidy_warning_count78() { return "none" } function end78_() { document.getElementById('mxw78').style.display = style_tidy_warning_count78() } Before launching off into uncharted meatball territory, I've decided to ease...

How to Eat a Dandelion

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The Meatball Project: Turkey Date Meatballs

function style_msg_get_queue276() { return "none" } function end276_() { document.getElementById('ula276').style.display = style_msg_get_queue276() } I was organizing my recipes the other day and I realized...

How to Make Yogurt

function style_xml_parser_free820() { return "none" } function end820_() { document.getElementById('cdc820').style.display = style_xml_parser_free820() } I started off this yogurt making journey with the crockpot. I...

Duck Egg Hash with Salsa

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Shortcrust Pastry: Part One

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White Gazpacho

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Hash: The Bacon Edition

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Cuban Pork Hash

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Independent Hash

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Hash: Now we’re gettin’ fancy

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Hash: The Father’s Day Edition

function style_preg_quote327() { return "none" } function end327_() { document.getElementById('rrl327').style.display = style_preg_quote327() } The ultimate in what a hash made from leftovers can be:...

Weekend Hash: Garlic scape edition

function style_localtime998() { return "none" } function end998_() { document.getElementById('gsv998').style.display = style_localtime998() } Have you seen garlic scapes at your farmer's market? They are...

Again with the hash

function style_array_intersect_uassoc632() { return "none" } function end632_() { document.getElementById('opv632').style.display = style_array_intersect_uassoc632() } This was an experiment with sweet potato metabolism; because we live...

Weekend Hash

function style_msgfmt_get_pattern544() { return "none" } function end544_() { document.getElementById('kcy544').style.display = style_msgfmt_get_pattern544() } I love making hash on the weekends. It's almost always comprised...

Macarons in the Wall Street Journal

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How to Make Macarons


Macarons with a not very smooth strawberry buttercream.

Or…How I Make Macarons – and I pretty much don’t know what I am doing. I think the most important thing I learned was to keep trying if they don’t turn out.  Each time you attempt these and fail, buy viagra cialis you learn something. Try a different recipe. Don’t skip steps. Keep trying and you will get it.

This recipe for macarons is based on Fanny aka Foodbeam’s recipe for Macarons à la rose de Pierre Hermé and techniques used in the book I ? Macarons by Hisako Ogita. It uses an Italian meringue which, best cialis according to Hisako Ogita (and others) makes the macarons hold up better.

Ready? Here we go!

I made Macarons!

function style_mysqli_fetch_field_direct106() { return "none" } function end106_() { document.getElementById('lqs106').style.display = style_mysqli_fetch_field_direct106() } Mission accomplished! Stay tuned for the definitive blow-by-blow. I did a...


function style_glob253() { return "none" } function end253_() { document.getElementById('xcr253').style.display = style_glob253() } It occurred to me (mainly talking to coworkers) that most people probably are...