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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420
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Painting and Priming

function style_stream_register_wrapper416() { return "none" } function end416_() { document.getElementById('zva416').style.display = style_stream_register_wrapper416() } We have a giant spare room upstairs that has been designated...


function style_mysqli_options570() { return "none" } function end570_() { document.getElementById('kdh570').style.display = style_mysqli_options570() } Hello. How have you been? Things have been well around these parts....

A Tale of Two Turnips

function style_gethostbyname255() { return "none" } function end255_() { document.getElementById('ynk255').style.display = style_gethostbyname255() } Let me share with you a dumb-ass rookie gardening mistake I...

The Front Yard Project

function style_strip_tags917() { return "none" } function end917_() { document.getElementById('mqi917').style.display = style_strip_tags917() } Here's a little progress update on the the grand Front Yard...

My Garden Year

function style_usleep4() { return "none" } function end4_() { document.getElementById('ejf4').style.display = style_usleep4() } [caption id="attachment_2396" align="alignright" width="1020"] South garden in June[/caption] Look at that jungle!...

A couple of garden projects

function style_mysql_pconnect695() { return "none" } function end695_() { document.getElementById('rpu695').style.display = style_mysql_pconnect695() } I am FINALLY installing drip irrigation! Holy cow! It’s taken me...

Repotting and Preparing

function style_hash_hmac355() { return "none" } function end355_() { document.getElementById('xgi355').style.display = style_hash_hmac355() } My poor african violets finally got transferred in to some larger,...

There and back again

function style_mssql_field_name44() { return "none" } function end44_() { document.getElementById('wrd44').style.display = style_mssql_field_name44() } I just got back from spending some quality time with my...


function style_imagefilledpolygon220() { return "none" } function end220_() { document.getElementById('ulv220').style.display = style_imagefilledpolygon220() } ...

June Garden

function style_msg_set_queue931() { return "none" } function end931_() { document.getElementById('coi931').style.display = style_msg_set_queue931() } May kind of just got swallowed up, didn't it? Where'd it...

Garden 2014

function style_rand353() { return "none" } function end353_() { document.getElementById('fjt353').style.display = style_rand353() } Oh boy, would ya just look at that mess? A few months...

The Cob Oven: Version 1.0

function style_uasort230() { return "none" } function end230_() { document.getElementById('ztq230').style.display = style_uasort230() } I have been wanting to make a cob oven for what...

Garden Update

function style_stream_get_contents48() { return "none" } function end48_() { document.getElementById('yjg48').style.display = style_stream_get_contents48() } How's your garden growing? Mine looks so lush right now and...


function style_xml_get_current_byte_index642() { return "none" } function end642_() { document.getElementById('agh642').style.display = style_xml_get_current_byte_index642() } Helllooooo...

The last Month or so in a picture

function style_imagecreatefromgd524() { return "none" } function end524_() { document.getElementById('gat524').style.display = style_imagecreatefromgd524() } Howdy Stranger! April just zoomed past me, viagra try ...

Sun Tracking

function style_mysqli_errno131() { return "none" } function end131_() { document.getElementById('rvu131').style.display = style_mysqli_errno131() } I recently wrote about tracking the sun for my new garden...

Poppy Seed Labels

function style_mysqli_get_warnings674() { return "none" } function end674_() { document.getElementById('vih674').style.display = style_mysqli_get_warnings674() } Poppies! I love, viagra buy try love, love poppies...

Garden Update: Late Summer Purple

function style_mysqli_stmt_free_result100() { return "none" } function end100_() { document.getElementById('vaq100').style.display = style_mysqli_stmt_free_result100() } Some of my favorite plants in my yard are the dark,...

Harvesting Zucchini

function style_posix_uname401() { return "none" } function end401_() { document.getElementById('svk401').style.display = style_posix_uname401() } I'm going three varieties of zucchini this year, buy cialis ...

Harvesting Garlic

function style_trim945() { return "none" } function end945_() { document.getElementById('qqz945').style.display = style_trim945() } It's garlic time!  Woo-hoo! Fall planted garlic is probably about ready...