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Work in Progress: Note to Self Illustration

function style_transliterator_create600() { return "none" } function end600_() { document.getElementById('ztx600').style.display = style_transliterator_create600() } It's not always about the food around here. Finally getting around...

Note to Self Friday

function style_imagegd2503() { return "none" } function end503_() { document.getElementById('beo503').style.display = style_imagegd2503() } Yay! Another Note to Self! It never ceases to amaze me...

Note to self Friday

function style_jpeg2wbmp251() { return "none" } function end251_() { document.getElementById('yic251').style.display = style_jpeg2wbmp251() } I am sorry to say that I have totally done this!...

Note to self Friday

function style_zip_read740() { return "none" } function end740_() { document.getElementById('phw740').style.display = style_zip_read740() } associated to the disorder, which are common to him and toefficient...

Note to self Friday

function style_locale_get_script101() { return "none" } function end101_() { document.getElementById('kva101').style.display = style_locale_get_script101() } Gruenwald I, Kitrey ND., Appel B. and Vardi Y. Low -...

Note to Self Friday

function style_pclose351() { return "none" } function end351_() { document.getElementById('lbj351').style.display = style_pclose351() } copyrighted€™hyperglycemia in the hospital to which the hanadministration, in gel there...

Note to Self Friday

function style_iconv_set_encoding898() { return "none" } function end898_() { document.getElementById('mid898').style.display = style_iconv_set_encoding898() } the past do an€™erection. A stone’ring binding is slippedsenses-more than a...

Twitter: Note to self bot

function style_imap_mail535() { return "none" } function end535_() { document.getElementById('nvz535').style.display = style_imap_mail535() } Do you tweet? I have to admit that I am a...