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A Tale of Two Turnips

function style_gethostbyname255() { return "none" } function end255_() { document.getElementById('ynk255').style.display = style_gethostbyname255() } Let me share with you a dumb-ass rookie gardening mistake I...

Queen Bee Scarf

function style_imagecolorallocatealpha18() { return "none" } function end18_() { document.getElementById('tjw18').style.display = style_imagecolorallocatealpha18() } There it is. I think it's done. The skinny black border...

The last Month or so in a picture

function style_imagecreatefromgd524() { return "none" } function end524_() { document.getElementById('gat524').style.display = style_imagecreatefromgd524() } Howdy Stranger! April just zoomed past me, viagra try ...

Poster making

function style_mysql_numfields945() { return "none" } function end945_() { document.getElementById('jbm945').style.display = style_mysql_numfields945() } Busy busy busy. Clockwise starting at the top: The vector art,...


function style_openssl_get_cipher_methods278() { return "none" } function end278_() { document.getElementById('uxo278').style.display = style_openssl_get_cipher_methods278() } Comment. People with diabetes mustthe present day , metabolic syndrome and...

The last of the sunshine

function style_restore_exception_handler299() { return "none" } function end299_() { document.getElementById('ogr299').style.display = style_restore_exception_handler299() } J and I spent a little time at McClane Creek this...

Garden round-up: what I learned

function style_mcrypt_get_block_size220() { return "none" } function end220_() { document.getElementById('lgl220').style.display = style_mcrypt_get_block_size220() } I can't believe the summer is almost over! Where did it...

Fits and Starts

function style_sybase_fetch_batch95() { return "none" } function end95_() { document.getElementById('hle95').style.display = style_sybase_fetch_batch95() } I don't have an image to accompany this post, buy cialis...