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2010 Recap and 2011 Resolutions

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! Ours was super mellow. We didn’t go anywhere, viagra ed and I didn’t even put up a tree! I am, patient however, very much looking forward to the new year and have been thinking a lot about what I want to do in the next 12 months.

I took look at the resolutions I made for 2010 and I was pleased to see that I actually completed a lot of them. Some with more success than others, but the great thing about resolutions is that I can put the ones I didn’t get to this past year back on the list for another try! Here are just a few of the things I want to focus on for 2011:

  1. Sew weekly. Sew a garment every week. I can honestly say this ain’t gonna happen, but it’s a goal at least. Perhaps I should just say, “I really want to focus on sewing garments this year.” and leave it at that. AND…now that I know how to silkscreen [2010 Goal Accomplished!] I can even print my own fabrics
  2. Expand the urban garden. 2010 was an awesome garden year, I learned so frickin’ much, mainly because of my involvement with the community garden a few blocks from my house. One of my goals for this next year is to blog more about the things I learn on my journey of converting a HUGE patch of my lawn into something that is more sustainable:
  3. And that segues into another goal, which I didn’t really get to this year, which is learning to preserve the food that I grow. A lot of people at the community garden are really good about freezing, dehydrating, pickling and canning things. I talk about doing this every stinking year, so 2011 it is! I can feel it! I didn’t make tamales this year either, but I DID make yogurt, which…oh man: AWESOME. More on that soon. The other food related goal for the year is to make pasta.
  4. More house projects. I am still trying to finish up the bathroom remodel, and I am hoping 2011 with consist of a kitchen makeover, a bedroom update, finish the Great Hall Makeover, and “a repaint the entire downstairs project”. Basically the whole house needs work

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    . I have been really sloooooowww moving with the bathroom and one thing I have learned is that I can get things done a lot quicker if I just put my mind to it.

  5. I didn’t get a new camera this year, but I think it will happen in ’11. I am actively saving for one, (if I don’t spend that money on a dress form or a serger first).

I could list a few other things I have mulling around but I think this is a good start. I don’t want to overwhelm myself to the point of accomplishing nothing! Have a happy and safe new year!!

Comments: 2
  • LauraVW December 29, 2010 8:59 am

    Happy new year to you too! I am giving some thought to resolutions – haven’t made any firm plans yet. Last year’s resolutions were intentionally vague, and that helps in that I can look back and feel happy that I at least made efforts towards them.

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