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2011 Recap and 2012 Resolutions

Jefe and I spent our New Years Eve recording our  drunken ramblings future podcast on tasting Rose Sparkling Wines. The winner being from Germany of all places (audio and a new website to follow!). Jefe also made an AWESOME Lobster Mac and Cheese, viagra sale and which I captured with my new iPhone. That little camera totally rocks – major 2011 accomplishment right there.

I’ve also been thinking a lot about my resolutions for 2012 and I had to go back and remind myself what I wanted to accomplish in 2011. Building the fence  was a major item and I am so glad we managed to get that done. In fact gardening has been so much on my mind lately that I’ve decided to start a new blog specifically devoted to creating my new garden. The seed catalogs are starting to arrive and I’ve been cultivating a ton of garden ideas on Pinterest so I am raring to go.

I didn’t sew nearly as much as I wanted to, cialis sales tadalafil and aside from gardening, sewing is a topic that takes up a lot of my mind space. My pattern collection is growing a long with my stash and I really hope to make some beautiful clothes this year.

I want to focus on continuing to spruce up the house this year and am looking forward to more craft/arty projects to help that process along.

I didn’t really do any canning like I planned. I made a dandelion jam, which I have yet to try, but that was about it. So again, this year – Canning!

I want to learn how to forage, mainly huckleberries and chanterelles. I know a lot of people who forage, and they guard their secret spots like crazy so I am thinking that I need to take a class or something.

I need to get out more. While my parents were visiting us this Christmas we took a little drive out to Boston Harbor Marina and Burfoot Park, both of which are about 15-20 minutes from our house but seem like a million miles away. It made me wonder why I don’t go out there more

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. There are a ton of beautiful little places like this around Olympia, and I need to be better about leaving my cozy little home and exploring the world.

I know that 2011 was a really crummy year for a lot of people. I am blessed that I managed to escape the tragedy and trauma a lot of my friends experienced, so here’s hoping that 2012 will be better for us all.

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