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2014 Reboot

Why hello there! How have you been?

Holy cow, I can’t believe how long I’ve neglected to blogand here we are at the start of a new year!

I’ve got some big things I want to accomplish this year

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. Things like sewing more clothing, working on the house, getting my art career up and running, perfecting my macarons, and blogging more (of course)!

I’m going to try to use the old blog here to document and share my journey and progress.

I mentioned last summer that I was working with a life/career coach who was helping me get my act together in terms of making my personal career dreams turn into a reality. A lot of that was me actually DOING work, MAKING art, THINKING about what I want EXACTLY, which, is time consuming with a full-time job.

I think the hardest part for me was/is that creating illustrations, or drawings, is a form of self expression, right? Well…what do I want to express?


I’m still working on that part, but I’m getting there.

P.S. I’m going to Paris for my birthday this year which is TOTALLY worth mentioning, but since the tickets and apartment are BOOKED it’s not an aspiration. It’s HAPPENING.


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