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Happy Picklemas

I would like to share my pickle ornament collection with you all. It all started about 17 years ago, generic viagra ampoule when I was sitting in the waiting room at the student health office at the University of Wyoming because I had managed to get a massive splinter UNDER my thumbnail while reaching for a cereal bowl that morning. I was reading a catalog that sold wreaths and all things Christmas and they had a little story about the German pickle ornament tradition (which appears that Germans aren’t actually aware of) in which parents hide the pickle ornament in the tree on Christmas Eve, and the first child to spot the pickle get’s an extra gift. It seemed delightfully odd, so I was immediately drawn to it and a collection was launched

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I have a few more floating around the house, but I am not sure where they are. That’s the issue with giving me a pickle in non-pickle season. I put them somewhere and can’t find them. I have heard that World Market has a pickle I don’t yet have, and I am going to do a little pickle reconnaissance in a few days hoping to pick up a few more to add to the collection.

Pickle ornamentsPickle ornamentsPickle ornaments

*The third pickle from the left, the glittery green one, is my very first pickle which was purchased for me by my mom almost 20 years ago.

Pickle ornamentsPickle ornaments

Comments: 3
  • Alicia December 22, 2010 3:55 pm

    And here i thought you were joking..untill i scrolled down and saw the pictures 🙂 hahahaha wonderful! do you actually hang them in your christmastree or do you have a special pickle-tree? happy holidays!

  • Mom December 21, 2010 10:11 pm

    Oh, my goodness! I didn’t realize there were so many different ones. I need to print these off and have a picture when I go searching. I really don’t think I have seen any new ones lately. They are so cute!

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