The past week and a half-ish in pictures
Another round of lemon cupcakes! This batch was much better, best cialis medical but I still have more research to do before I declare an ultimate winner.
I bought some leather paint because Dharma Trading had it on sale
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. What am I going to do with it? I don’t know but I have a few ideas.
We’ve had some beautiful weather this week, which is sadly gone, but it gave a promise of what is to come. Hopefully. If we have another dreary Spring/Summer like the past two years I might go crazy. CRAZY.
A little preview of what’s to come over in the garden. Pre-sproutin’ ma peas.
Thank you! It was the iPhone…oh man…the photo apps! They are SO addicting and so much fun. I love seeing green shoots poking out of the soil this time of year. Gives me hope.
That crocus photo is incredible! Did you take it with your iPhone, or did the grown-up camera come out to play? We’ve got beautiful weather here at the moment too – and there is new growth everywhere in the garden.