Duck Egg Hash with Salsa
Haven’t done a hash in a while, viagra buy healing have I? This hash is a sad, sovaldi sale sad tale. It had all of the good stuff: bacon, onions, potatoes, cheese, and duck eggs (which I had never had before – LOVE them!)…typical hash basics. On a whim, I decided to add a pepper that we grew from the Wendell Berry garden, and I didn’t really pay attention to what I was grabbing. I thought it was an anaheim, which would have added a lovely mellow pepper flavor, but anaheim it was not.
It was the hottest damn pepper on the face of the planet.
You know when you have something so spicy that it totally dominates and ruins the dish? That is what happened. I surrounded the hash with a bit of my favorite salsa, (Roasted Tomato Salsa from Trader Joes) and felt certain I was about to experience Hash Induced Nirvana. I couldn’t eat it
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. That damned pepper burned my face off.
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But boy, it looks really good!
I was just thinking about you and your ducks! I read that duck eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs, and I believe it. My husband doesn’t even attempt to make hash! It would be interesting to see what he would come up with.
My ducks just started laying, so I had duck eggs on my hash for the first time last weekend too! Wow, they are rich and delicious. Sorry about the Damn peppers ruining everything 🙁 My husband made the hash this weekend and he does it all differently than I do. It was nice of him, but I missed my usual hash.
P.S. I love Trader Joe’s Double Roasted Salsa, I think it’s similar to the Tomato Roasted one.