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A beautiful sunday


It seems that it’s going to rain all week. It was so beautiful yesterday morning that I had to get out in the yard. I had Jeffery drill some holes in a wine barrel so I can plant some lettuce and I also happened to have lost my microgreen seeds! It’s making me crazy that I can’t find them. It was a huge envelope so it’s not like they are easy to miss. I can’t even remember the last place I saw them. Total bummer.

UPDATE: I know that this is vital breaking news, generic but I found my seeds, or more accurately I remembered where I put them.  It was one of those middle of the night epihpanies. I rarely have them, but I was thinking about them all day and reconstructing my movements

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. I realized as I was walking to work yesterday that not only were my microgreens gone, but my cucumbers, beans and basil ran off with them. I almost repurchased them last night and I am so glad I waited. I was thinking about how I should get a storage container for storing my remaining seeds fridge…and…well…OH MY GOD! The seeds have been chillin’ in the crisper this whole time.

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