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A garden from seeds

“Save your seeds girl!”

So…after my seed saving post my Mom sent me an email reminding me that she has been saving seeds for years. I knew this. I even got some from her the last time we were in Wyoming. I just never thought about doing it myself…he he he. I think it’s been on my mind a lot lately because the Olympia Seed Exchange has a demonstration garden in the community garden I am a member of, viagra buy see and we are trying to get to the point where everything we grow in the garden comes from seeds we save. It’s all about striving for sustainability!

Mom sent pictures of the gardens she has started from seeds. In her own words, malady of course…

“Here is a pic of my canterbury bells, clinic purple salvia, delphiniums and dianthus in the first photo…all from seed from harvest in Rawlins and Saratoga. There is also scabiosa…all are purple or pink…just luck I guess. The allium in the back near the wall are just about to open….they are purple too. I also have mexican daisy and the white daisy is from seed. I started these a year ago last February and put them in the ground in June

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. This is the first year for them to bloom. My iris are also purple. There is a small geranium just to the right of the birdbath which my friend Bonnie gave me last year…it is lavender. I have lots more seeds that I need to plant and am really disappointed in the brick bed. Will do something different next year. Save your seeds girl! Free flowers and veggies!”

Comment: 1
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