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A gift to ourselves

You see this glorious thing? Yes…it’s finally happening (I think). We are getting new floors!! This has been in the works FOREVER, and it’s taken us a long time to muster up the courage to plunk down the moolah. It’s going to change everything—we are going to have to repaint, new curtains…oh…I can’t wait. We are lucky enough to be the “helpers” of the main guy laying the floor so he is going to teach us how to do it as we go along. We were actually going to move forward a month or so ago, but since we were going to do the bathroom floors first (white hexagonal penny tile) we decided that instead of just doing the floors in the bathroom  we should get a new tub, and re-do the surround as well. That decision but EVERYTHING on hold as we knew the holidays were coming up and well…it just seemed too overwhelming.  So nothing has been happening

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. No tub. No tile. No paintin’. No nothin’. Until our floor guy called and said the white oak we were looking at was on sale but we had to act QUICK! Money being the ultimate motivator, of course.


I have been taking the sample around to all of the rooms trying to get an idea of what the floor will look like. We probably won’t get moving on this officially until next year sometime, but we are at least buying the materials, which will probably live in the garage until we are really ready. We haven’t done anything to the house since we moved in besides paint the walls some really inappropriate colors so this is going to be exciting.

Comments: 2
  • CRISSI December 4, 2009 10:19 am

    Hey Cuz!!  That is going to be beautiful!!!   I am excited for you guys.

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