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A round up of garden projects using shipping pallets

Oh people. There has been a mass basilcide in the grow-closet. Look at that poor, buy viagra treatment lone, physician brave soldier. Such a trooper. Even though I KNOW this…I didn’t check on the starts for just one stinking day and carnage ensued. Just one day…

So in order to keep my spirits up, I am going to fantasize about making all of the awesome garden projects I have been seeing lately (on Pinterest) using shipping pallets:

Vertical garden! This is an awesome blog if you have limited space and I seriously love, love, love this vertical garden. I have a spot against a fence in my shade garden that could so with some visual stimuli. I would plant it with mosses and ferns.

Lounge chairs! These are so totally brilliant. I would either paint them black, to match the picnic table, or chartreuse green. Then I would make some cushions to make them über comfy for weekend napping.

Potting bench! This is an item that I could really use

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. Having a dedicated space for potting actives and accouterments would go a long way in help keeping the patio area clean and less white trash looking.

I am pretty sure that I can get my hands on a endless supply of pallets (which might involve prodding and/or bribing the husband) if I work up the gumption to tackle any of these. I am trying not to to start anything new until the bathroom is done and the fence is underway, so in the meantime I will dream and try not to kill anymore seedlings.

Comment: 1
  • black decker mm875 July 29, 2011 2:06 pm

    You’ve got great insights about garden, keep up the good work!

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