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A Weekend in Seattle

sephora_listJ and I are going to Seattle this weekend in celebration of this birthday. We have lots of fun things planned, discount viagra salve like eating at the art museum, generic cialis ambulance going to Rick Steve’s Travel Festival, prescription eating with friends, and our favorite – shopping. Jeffery’s sister has a booth at Pike’s Market so we often spend time with her and have gotten to the point where we have a bit of a routine going. Part of that routine is spending time at in the make up department at Nordstroms AND a trip across the street to Sephora.  Overkill? Maybe…but here we go:

  • Hope in a Tube. I have had a teeny weeny sample-size of this cream, dewy, glorious eye cream and it’s almost empty. I love it enough that it has passed the test

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    . I am actually going to buy a larger size.

  • Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. I love this stuff. I bought it after reading all the hype about it and it SO deserves it. I am almost out and need to refill, but it’s a little pricey so I might hold off until absolutely necessary.
  • I am having a serious love affair lately with Urban Decay eye shadows. They are sparkly and the neutral colors are so pretty and interseting. I am a gigantic MAC fan and have quite a stash, but one can have only so many variations of brown before getting bored with them.  I am trying to decide between Roach and Lounge.
  • I am wanting a gel liner in a lighter color like grey, or taupe and I think Bobbi Brown has the best color selection, but I will have to see them in person. Her gel liners are indeed long wearing. I have a plumish black that I really like. But…this is not a high priority item. I just want to look.

Yay! Seattle here we come!

Comments: 2
  • Jennifer Bryant March 21, 2010 12:15 pm

    Interesting. I’ll keep these in mind. Thanks for the post.

  • Meg November 20, 2009 12:04 pm

    Agreed on the eye cream and tinted moisturizer – I love both! Have fun!

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