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Again with the hash

Sweet Potato hash

This was an experiment with sweet potato

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. A delicious experiment. However, cialis generic drugstore I think that from now on I need to mix regular potato with the sweet potato for a better texture. It was too mushy and didn’t have any of that crusty potato-cooked-in-fat crunch for contrast.

I used my most favorite spices for the sweet potatoes: berbere, generic smoked paprika, malady black pepper, and hot paprika. Bacon matchsticks and caramelized shallots came to the party as well.

Topped with a poached egg and sauce Choron. Needs a little tweaking, but overall it was really good.

Comments: 3
  • Christina June 8, 2010 8:55 pm

    Oh Erica! I MUST invite myself over for hash one of these mornings!

    Thinking of you and Jeffe…

  • Here Be Dragons June 6, 2010 5:04 pm

    You had me at hash. I’m salivating now.

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