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An Orange Weekend

I had a three day weekend and managed to get a lot done. A lot of orange things.

Isn’t this hideous? We’re going to be re-carpeting the upstairs sometime soon (yay!) so I decided that it would be a good time to repaint everything because who cares if I get paint on the carpet? I have decided that this room will be white, viagra usa view sort of like this room, best viagra health but not so frilly. This room has sloped ceilings, and is really cozy so I think it will be really lovely once it’s all done. I managed to clean out the closet and get the first coat of primer on this weekend. Progress!

Another round of the Pumpkin Spice Macarons – with an epic fail. Macaron explosions and lopsided shells. I know what caused this, so it’s all good

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The weather was awesome, so a lot of yard clean up happened. These are crocosmia seeds. Crocosmias are usually planted via bulbs, and I am curious if I can grow them from seed. We’ll see.

I painted some frames that I want to turn into mirrors for the entry way. I was looking for a red that had a tinge of orange, which is a little hard to find in a spray form. This color is called “Pimento” and is a little too orange. I think I’ll try to spray it with a thin coat of red and see what happens.

Overall the weekend was super productive! I wish every weekend was a three day one.

Comment: 1
  • Kim March 1, 2012 3:44 am

    Hi, I have the same problem with my Macarons. They always either rupture at the top or are lopsided. What may have caused this to happen??

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