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Back on the Horse

Holy Cow, I’ve been busy lately! What have I been up to? I recently came across a learning community called Skillshare and I got sucked in completely

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Have you heard of SkillShare? This is their tagline:

“Skillshare is a global community centered around creativity, collaboration and learning by doing.”

I am officially in love. You can find an amazing variety of classes and they are really affordable, like anywhere from 15 to 25 bucks!

I’ve taken classes on Making Macarons, Drawing Maps, Designing My Dream Garden, and a Digital Illustration class just to name a few. These classes have been a large part of the reason I’ve been so busy.

The Digital Illustration class was taught by the very talented Brad Woodward. I loved seeing the process of the other artists and especially Brad’s…You can learn so much by watching someone else work. I picked up some fantastic tips that I wouldn’t have known otherwise, and…most importantly…I think this was the first time I have illustrated anything for about a year, maybe more. I just hadn’t felt any desire or inspiration, which was really kind of sad. It made me remember why I liked doing this in the first place, and that was more than worth the price of the class. Like a million times more.

The assignment was to illustrate the words “Quiet” or “Loud.” This is the concept I came up with:

I got great feedback, which made the finished illustration all the more better. The next step was to lay down some color:

And then I added pattern and texture:

It was such a fun little project that was purely for my own enjoyment. Brad was gracious enough to showcase some of his student’s final projects on his blog, (mine included.)  You can see some of the other fantastic illustrations the other students came up with. People never cease to amaze me with their ideas and creativity.

I’ve got a few more classes on my watch list, (hello pattern making) but I might take a break for a while. That little hit of fun learning was just what I needed, I think.

Speaking of fun learning…next time I want to tell you all about my awesomely fabulous Birthday weekend in Portland attending The Blogcademy. My head was exploded and I’m having a hard time putting back together IT WAS THAT GOOD.

Comment: 1
  • Mom April 12, 2013 4:19 pm

    Wow! Love it!!!

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