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They aren’t much to look at are they? Last night I once again tackled the epic task of tempering chocolate and once again I was unsure if I was successful. I just don’t know if I did it right. I am just going to have to spend some real time mastering the technique instead of trying it once every other year

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. The recipe here is for Gingerbread truffles from Making Artisan Chocolates by Andrew Shotts. They are pretty tasty so I am going to declare this mission accomplished.

And on a tasty-ball related note, my friend K posted this video the other day. Enjoy.

“Do whatever you want to them ladies, and my balls are here for your pleasure.”

Comments: 2
  • Mom December 17, 2009 9:23 pm


  • Karan December 17, 2009 6:18 pm

    I am going to start camping outside of your front door in hopes of catching you on baking day. Your Gingerbread Balls sound delicious!

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