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Bathroom Mood Board


So…I have been super super busy trying to get ready for an art show I am participating in later this month (YIKES!) and at the same time I am trying to prep and gather materials for our bathroom upgrade that is happening AT THE SAME TIME. Insane? Maybe.

My parents will be visiting us and my Dad in particular is going to help us with the bathroom because he is awesome and knows how to do everything from wiring to tiling.

I attempted to put together a comp a la Making it Lovely of some of the components:

  1. The light fixture. This is four feet long. We have a long vanity and a gigantic mirror so I wanted something big. The glass globes are really pretty in person and I can’t wait to see them lit. Bought from Overstock.com.
  2. Floor tile. I actually need to buy more because we are not ripping out the existing vanity, best viagra viagra but we might someday, generic viagra thumb or the people after us might and it would be nice to have the tile to fill in the space. Also from Overstock.
  3. I was going to get a white vessel sink, but Jeffery mentioned he liked the frosted glass look. This is his bathroom as well, so we are going with a frosted vessel sink. Again…Overstock. I am in love with Overstock.
  4. Counter. We are going to paint the existing vanity black and install a butcher block counter top from IKEA. Much like this bathroom remodel.
  5. Potential wall colors and vanity color

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    . Not shown is the new deeper tub (huzzah!) and the white subway tile for the shower surround.

  6. Harry Allen hand hooks. I fell in love with these the first time I ever saw them and managed to find them seriously on sale at Modern Poverty.  I actually got the frosted versions, not the white that I have in this comp. I couldn’t really find good pictures of the frosted versions so I apologize. I am going to use them as the soap dish and hand towel hook. I think they will complement the sink nicely.

It’s going to be a lot of work, which I am so up for. Demo! Plumbing! Tiling! I’ll be taking lots of pics of the process so stay tuned!!

Comments: 4
  • LauraVW April 12, 2010 12:28 pm

    Nice choices, especially those hooks. Looking forward to hearing how it goes – we had our bathroom done two years ago and I love how it turned out (though there are a couple of aspects I wish I’d spent more money on).

  • Diana Evans April 11, 2010 11:42 am

    love your blog…I love these posters and so cool that you silk screen stuff!!

  • Christina April 8, 2010 9:58 am

    Woohoo! It’s going to be awesome! Can’t wait to see the finished product!

    Then, will you send your dad up to our house? 😉

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