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Bedroom Inspiration 2012

1)Insanely expensive Dwell Studio Sheets 2)Tattooed Men by Mimi Kirchner 3)Dying of cute 4)Rugs USA 5)Apartment Therapy 6)Tattooed Man Doll by The Black Apple

I’ve started off the new year with a nasty cold so the only thing it seems like I have been doing is sleeping. In between naps I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with *something* and that something has been deciding what to do about our bedroom. This year I’ve decided that I want to make some major progress on the home front, instead of being lazy about it as per usual so it’s been on my mind a lot lately. We made the decision last year that we would swap bedroom locations from its current location downstairs to the extremely large and spacious suite-like room we have upstairs.

Take a look at this post on Making it Lovely about redecorating a reader’s bedroom as our room upstairs is almost identical in terms of layout…mainly the sloped ceiling wall along one the side of the room. Here’s the finished room. Nice! I showed it to Jefe and he loved all of the black, and blue color on the walls so that’s where I started. I pulled the images from stuff I have pinned on my Pinterest boards

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. I don’t know what’s up with the tattooed men…something about them tickles my fancy. AND they match the color scheme!

Comments: 2
  • jess s January 6, 2012 3:16 pm

    We redecorated our bedroom over the last year. We found that it was more fulfilling to buy an expensive, adorable duvet cover (which we use all the time) and plainer, more comfortable sheets underneath (since I realized you can either have nice-feeling sheets or nice-looking sheets in my budget, but not both), so we got more bang for our bedding buck. I love the hex mirrors (remind me of honeycomb), but I’m afraid to hang mirrors over a bed in an earthquake zone. OK, I might have a semi-irrational fear of earthquakes. They are cute mirrors, though.

    Also, on the plush tattooed man tip, Heidi Kenney of My Paper Crane did some DIY tattoo’d people fabric that I adore. Maybe you would like it too? here‘s a link if you want to check it out.

    Have fun painting! It is such an exciting change.

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