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Beginning of October re-cap

Where the hell have I been? Just WHAT have I been doing that is so important, cialis sale see eh?

I got to ride in a helicopter for the first time ever for a training session on taking aerial photos. This is the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge south of Olympia.

Have been enjoying the beautiful fall weather we have been having lately (thank you baby Jesus) a lot of if spent at the garden

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Have been totally digging the fall produce at the Farmer’s Market here in town. Look at these truffles!! What should I do with them?

I have been thinking about updating my front porch lately…I think the plant out there needs to be changed out. It’s sporting some grey fuzz. I don’t think it’s healthy. However the black chipped terra cotta pot is awfully festive don’t you think? Very Halloween-y.

I have actually been spending a whole lot of my time trying to finish tiling the bathroom. I am SO close to being done, and I cannot for the life of me get a good photo. You’ll just have to wait for the grand “Before and After”. It’ll be worth it. I hope.

Comments: 5
  • Alicia October 29, 2010 5:09 pm

    training session on taking aerial photo’s?? why, are you going to do that as well, besides the artwork, pencil skirts, garden? how many hours are there in your day :)? I was wondering, in the picture of the reserve, is that a bridge for pedestrians or cars? Maybe a dumb question, but I’m trying to estimate the size of the reserve (and the height of your helicopter).

    Like the pictures by the way, what kind of camera did you use?

  • kim October 27, 2010 9:59 am

    aerial photography — groovy!

    I want to know what you did with the truffles! Still would love to come visit you and your garden soon 😉


  • LauraVW October 21, 2010 1:49 am

    That wildlife refuge looks wonderful! I’ve never been in a helicopter – were you nervous? I think it’s something I’d be willing to try, but nervously.

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