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Black-Pepper Cheesecake

I saw a segment forever ago on Martha with Marcus Samuelsson where he made a Black-Pepper Cheesecake.   I was instantly intrigued and have been wanting to try it for some time now.

Lulu seemed to enjoy it, best viagra online but I have to say that I was underwhelmed

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. The recipe has you blanch and drain the peppercorns three times, levitra dry them in the oven, capsule and them pound them to a “medium-fine” consistency.  I used a mortar and pestle for this, and even though I pounded the hell out of them I think I could have just ground regular old pepper from my pepper mill and would have had better results.   I am glad I tried it, but I don’t think I will add this recipe to my arsenal.

Comments: 2
  • Sebastian Sanders August 30, 2010 8:15 am

    cheesecakes are so yummy, i can eat them all day long”:

  • Carrie February 4, 2009 9:55 am

    Is that…pineapple on top?

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