Hello! How have you been? I hope all is well in your land! I am currently hacking my lungs out on the couch with a cold I caught on the plane back from our AWESOME trip from Paris. Poor Jefe was sick the entire trip and I was expecting to succumb sooner than I did.
I felt like the past two months my life was consumed with preparing and researching for the trip
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. Now that it’s over I feel like I can get on with my regularly scheduled program: Preparing for my next trip to Paris!
Just kidding. Sorta. I’ve got a ton of things I want to get done, now that I can focus. Things like Sewing! and Gardening! and Cooking! and Projects!
I plan on sharing all the fun details of our trip with you but for now I’ll leave you with my covert attempt to capture some adorable pugs that were coming our way while we were walking down a Parisian street. I was trying to be all sly and not alarm the poor lady who was walking them. I don’t think it worked judging by the look she gave me. What can I say? I have a soft spot for pugs.
I am so looking forward to hearing about your trip! Sorry to hear you succumbed to illness – it seems almost unavoidable where long haul flights are involved. Hope you’re both feeling fit and well soon.