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Chocolate Covered Beer Marshmallows

I collect marshmallow recipes and when I came across a recipe on The Kitchn for Chocoloate Covered Beer Marshmallows I knew I had this year’s holiday treat. I’ve noticed that not everyone is as excited about these as I am, cialis usa patient and when you say “beer marshmallows” the reactions are usually a variation on a scrunchy face

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. So how do they taste? Awesome. Not like beer at all, and I think that has to do with the kind of beer I used, which was Young’s Double Chocolate Stout. This is HOLY COW good beer. I don’t even like beer really, and this beer is SO GOOD. CAPS-ON good.

If you are thinking about making these, here are some tips for you that I would do differently next time:

  • Actually read the recipe and use milk chocolate, not dark. The dark totally overwhelms the marshmallow flavor.
  • Don’t get all fancy and try to create a pretzel crust that won’t hold and will turn into crumbles when you cut the marshmallows.
  • Use less gelatin, or try Alton Brown’s Marshmallow recipe. I felt like these marshmallows were just a tad chewy.

I’m going to take some of these to work to prove to my fellow coworkers that I am not crazy, and then save some for my mother to do the same. They are definitely not an everyday kind of treat and they would be a great gift for the beer lover in your life.

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