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Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Macarons: A Photo Essay


Melted chocolate and peanut butter.


Mixed with potato chips.

Spread in a thin layer and chilled until set

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Circles are cut.


Macaron shells are made, some are sprinkled with potato chips.


Peanut butter glue,


holds the chocolate circle.


Peanut butter ganache is piped.


Et voilà !

Verdict: These were SO frickin’ fun to make. The flavor was good, but I was expecting a salty BLAST from the potato chips and unfortunately I felt like I couldn’t taste them at all. Next time I will use a saltier chip, like a Ruffle instead of the fancy kettle chips I used, and I’ll use a milk chocolate instead of a dark chocolate for the punched circles. Dark chocolate is good, but it totally overpowered everything else.

Next flavor will be something with rhubarb, since it’s Spring and rhubarb is in season. What else? Any other spring flavors you guys can think of that I should try?

Comments: 4
  • robynski October 8, 2013 9:53 am

    Wow! Do you mind if I pin these? They are so very creative. I love that you cut chocolate discs instead of just piping it all.

  • kim June 4, 2013 10:02 pm

    Can I come visit after your next batch?

  • Karan May 3, 2013 10:14 am

    Pure genius! I love the peanut butter chocolate swirly!!


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